
In India there is a sizable number of people who would nod at you and say their chakra was misaligned, toxic, or needed a fresh crystal in the face of that infection and those 95 Western doctors’ diagnosis.

The thing is, after all the overheated claims and alarmism of the Al Gores of the world screeching about how NYC would under water by 2015, most rational people realize none of it is going to happen next year or the next decade, if ever. Same with 1970s population explosion claims and its’ attendant famine

The silver lining in all this? No more global warming concerns!

LOL, misogyny. And I suppose that perhaps his wife might have had a say in this never occurred to you either.

Really? What dinners alone with someone who can have an impact on your career would you engage in? To risk sexual harassment charges and rumors at the office because you feel the need to demonstrate your incredible sexual reserve and open mindedness about workplace gender issues is simply stupid. At the very least,

Let’s put it this way: DeVos is as qualified to be SOE as Barak Hussein Obama was to be President when he won the election. End of story.

Yes, yes, yes, absolutely yes, and yes. We deserve all what you said and more because you have what you have largely because of white European immigrants. But don’t let that fact get in the way of your bleating for more diversity, despite there being no appreciable benefit to our nation as a whole for it. But

I respond to all of what is so incredibly wrong in that diatribe of yours, but apparently I’m too busy hating you to take the time to do so.

Oh, I don’t know... jobs maybe? To get off welfare and support one’s family and self with a decent manufacturing job? Stuff like that I suppose. Crazy, huh?

In other words, you have no clue what it’s like outside your bubble of urban life. As Ted Cruz aptly said, “New York values.”

You guys just don’t get it, do you?

No, no! Please, just stay where you are and keep pushing the popular vote meme. Everything is perfect the way it is.

I’ve always wondered why Bose hasn’t made a 100% noise cancelling headset. For some reason they still allow sounds to squeeze by the filter which is fine, but how much better would it be of you looked over at that baby and just saw an open mouth and red face like you had pressed the MUTE buttonon him?

Parents with babies shouldn’t travel by air— that’s what automobiles were invented for. Particularly since you know as a parent that air travel is painful for babies. So, just don’t do it. Be kind to your child and fellow travelers and travel by ground or wait until the baby is old enough to understand how to clear

Ugh. You’re one of *those* people— I talk, therefore I am. Silence is golden.

Like NK Pleasure Squads?

Oh, I assure you, that plane burned plenty bright...

Bing Bang Ow tragically lost her life when ejecting from her aircraft Wednesday...

Seriously awesome.

Meh. Only male babies are cherished over there. In the old One Child China, female babies were routinely aborted or killed after birth so that the couple could produce a male child.