golferal - pataflaflas FTW

Lee Lou Dallas Multipass.

C'mon you guys, you know Chinese women don't look their age. She's actually 32! (PS: I can say this without guilt because my wife is Chinese)

I know it didn't cost 420 million, but Gizmodo's recently revised layout and commenting system are equally as disastrous. Just sayin'.

Not to mention France.

What is it with girls these days and all the piercings in their faces? Seriously no bueno.

Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Willis?

I can see what you mean about Adam and I guess car guys come in all shapes and sizes. Some guys only like MG's, some only like American muscle, and on down the line. I'm sure there are even some guys who have wet dreams about Pintos and/ or Trabants.

That's pretty much as I thought. John Salley, who seems a nice enough guy, had no business being there and Dan Neil is nothing more than a talking bobble head resting on the laurels of his Pulitzer. Adam is a car guy through and through but doesn't always come across as well on TV as he does on his podcast (I'm a big

Aside from some questionable hosting choices (not you or Adam) it seemed like the network monkeys were dicking around with the segment production and editing a bit too much. AmIrite?

He's just in the NICE part of Seattle...

Dammit, too late!

I bet Brian has already made plans to order the iPad mini and is just jealous that the surface actually DOES stuff.

There have been numerous attempts at wheelchairs that can navigate steps but none that I have seen are very elegant or particularly effective.

Not really similar, but I would say that the iBot is superior in almost every practical application I can think of. As a side note, the iBot wasn't really the precursor to the Segway. The iBot came about when funding for the Segway ran out and they needed more money to continue development. Johnson & Johnson bought

I've been on Sprint for about 10 years and honestly don't give a shit who buys them as long as I can FINALLY GET SOME LTE IN MY AREA!!!!

Let's see: A home made walking stick made out of metal and tape with the work "kaboom" written on it. Yeah, no reason to worry about that at all.

I thought it was mouth trolls.

Methinks yes!

Sam is entitled to his opinion, because that's all this post is. The fact is that there are many great devices available so it comes down to what is most appealing and works best for each person. I assume that he's already substantially invested in the Apple ecosystem so I'm sure that has a large influence on his

Sorry Jesus, you missed the mark on this one. While I don't care any more about BB10 now than I did 4 minutes ago, this was very well done. The production quality was excellent as were the adaptation of the lyrics.