The more Apple tries to wean itself off of Google's products, the worse Siri will get. It's really that simple.
The more Apple tries to wean itself off of Google's products, the worse Siri will get. It's really that simple.
Yes yes, it's their lack of understanding of what people want that has made them the most popular search provider, web browser, and mobile OS in the world.
Normally I would mind.......
Now I know what those lads from NWA were talking about all those years ago...
The difference I see for the Surface succeeding is that people like me that don't necessarily want or need a tablet might consider it because it's not a compromised computing experience like the iPad (no flash, no USB, no external storage options, etc).
I haven't seen a Staccato drum in a long time, but did see a North kit for sale on my local Craigslist a couple of months ago. Equally strange and intriguing! My only question is, what are the aerodynamics on this thing like?
It still surprises me that most people don't know that the Apple II software was MS Basic because Woz wouldn't or couldn't write his basic software with floating point.
Holy crap, you're right!
Slightly off topic, but she is so much prettier without those ridiculous oversized sunglasses.
Swiftkey is definitely my favorite. You can even allow it to scan your gmail account for special words or phrases you type on a regular basis. It really does work!
Since there are more Android devices than iOS devices, you do the math.
No matter, the Sasquatch-ish chest hair will cover it up in a matter of days...
Is it just me or does anyone else not particularly care for the ultra thin wedge shape anyways? Lifting the lid on a MacBook Air make me feel as if I'm going to get a paper cut and reminds me of the "cheese slicer" slide out on my old Palm Pre. I would prefer they concentrate more effort on making them lighter rather…
I see your Sade and optimus' Anita Baker and raise you with Oleta Adams.
Electrolytes - It's what batteries crave.
We have a weiner, ummmmm, winner!