golferal - pataflaflas FTW

Who the hell would want a larger, heavier Miata? I think some Autoblog members must have infiltrated the voting...

Yes, yes. Without the "oops."

I have been noticing this lately as well. I actually see MORE damaged iPhones than non-damaged ones.

Lots of curry + 90 degree summer temps = NO THANKS

I've been using ultramon for years and it has that functionality (right click on window) as well as the "Smart taskbar" which shows you what programs are open on the monitor they are assigned to. Very slick!

Apple is certainly an asset for Cupertino and the surrounding area, but I wonder what will become of all the buildings they have been leasing when all Apple employees are consolidated into the new campus. Will there be a sudden excess of available office space?

They might not be making much (if anything) on the software itself, but they do make a boatload on mobile search and they know that the mobile space is the growth area of the future.

You are correct, sir!

This area is not too far from my house, and I have camped and hiked in the chocolate mountains and nearby Box Canyon and Ladder Canyon. I was curious about the tracks and did a little snooping on Google Earth. From what I can tell, this line was once used by an ore mining operation and it connects up with the main

Android simply copied Microsoft's playbook in making the decision to be a software company rather than a hardware company. That strategy allowed both MS and Google to become market share leaders.

It can't be more than a hunerd fourteen!

Now playing

NSFW for language, racial stereotypes, and a couple of "N" bombs. (But still funny as hell)

I don't think the Iraqis technically asked us either...

So the DHS/ CIA/ FBI/ NSA can sniff out terrorist plots half a world away but they can't put the kibosh on these cartels that are on the other side of a fence?

There are some things that Apple does very well, and some things they do not. I fear this will be the latter.

I feel your pain...You could always try some ratamacues...... =)

God bless you my son. Thanks for sharing!

They would be absolutely justified in asking for those other companies to chip in, but also have a lot to gain in public opinion by being the only one who steps up to the plate.