Cop-ies boyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Cop-ies boyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Zoom H2 works very well.
I agree. This article fails to mention so many essential components and their associated costs. For instance, a $10 mic cable won't last very long, even in a studio environment, and good quality ones like Mogami are $50 and up. Then you have patch bays, snakes, and all that fun stuff. And like you said, recording…
The thing I love most about my Galaxy S2 is the screen. It's friggin' huge and gorgeous, especially when I compare it side by side to an iPhone 4 or 4s. Android 4.x is (finally) competitive with iOS. I'm really looking forward to the S3.
Mmmmm, donuts.
Dude, in 1995 I thought AOL WAS the internet.
Sorry, I farted.
Howwwwwwwwdy ho!
COTD right there.
Airdroid has many of the same features and works on your local wifi network. It's great for texting with a REAL keyboard...
Yes, but your scenario doesn't involve a moderately attractive female with firepower. You lose.
There is SOMETHING I want to watch, but it ain't Direct TV...
Kingsley all the way
Like Shaq would ever drive something without a Superman emblem and less than 26" rims.
Oh how I wish the Banhammer swung both ways...
And I was totally goin' for COTD too. Damn it all to hell.
Shoulda been the soundtrack.
Maybe he had the fish?