golferal - pataflaflas FTW

Remember transparent aluminum?

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They centers were actually made out of clear acrylic and pressed onto aluminum hubs and rims. Extremely cool but not actually useful for more than the show floor. I think they drove it a few miles but that's about it.

Reminds me of this, but not quite as cool...

It is Fabio and he got his nose broken by a pigeon while riding a rollercoaster. Go figure!

Pigeons. DO NOT LIKE!



Agreed. As a Segway owner and fan of the iBot, I was watching this thinking that everything looked good except for the wheels/ platform section. This device does not appear that it could handle irregular surfaces such as curb cuts, large sidewalk cracks, expansion joints, etc. While the iBot's ability to balance up on

Yes, yes.

I closed my eyes about the re-entry part and had the same sensation as the first time I heard the intro on Dark Side Of The Moon. Phenomenal.


Where he's going, he doesn't need roads.

I totally invented those tires.

25,000 nerds and 4 chicks. They even joke about that in interviews. They'll say "Hey, we had TEN girls tonight. That's a new record!"

She supports Rush Limbaugh or Rush the band? I would have a REALLY hard time believing it's the former...

They've said many times it's hard to please their fans because they are so fanatical and call them out on every mistake. There's a great documentary called "Beyond The Lighted Stage" that you should check out if you haven't already seen it. My favorite part is towards the end when Neil, Alex, and Geddy are having

Rush (the band) MUST be pissed because those guys are about the coolest dudes on the planet. I've been a fan for about 30 years and never heard them speak ill of anyone. They are a class act, unlike Mr. Limbaugh (and I'm a conservative).

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Here's a live video I shot of my band with the Q3HD (same mics as the H1). The video isn't that great because it was pretty dark in the room but at least the sound is pretty damn good. A sound engineer friend of mine was certain I had pulled the audio off the mixer as opposed to it being just a room mic.