golferal - pataflaflas FTW

For video where you want to mostly capture ambient room sound, the Zoom H1 is an excellent option for about $99. I have the Q3HD which has the same mics and the sound is awesome!


So THAT'S where we parked it!

Almost didn't click on the video, I'm glad I did. Mad respect for the reflexes those guys have!

Drifting to and fro

I kinda like it...

What, no iPod dock?

He was lettin' it all hang out...

As someone who's seen the process from the inside more than once, signing with a major label almost always means changing a lot of stuff about the artist/ band. I've seen managers tell band members "Cut your hair/ grow your hair out, rip some holes in those jeans, grow some scruff, wear this or that" along with a ton

I thought the joke was "I FART IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION...."

I really wish people would stop acting as if the retina display is an industry standard. It's good but not THAT good, and the Super AMOLED Plus display on the Galaxy S2 is far superior.

Or... "Is that your coccyx or are you just happy to see me?"

Yes, yes, go right ahead...

I hear you're a man that knows how to get things....

"A better maxim might be hard and fast "

"Sheeeeet negro, that's all you had to say!"

I would totally do a chick of this "caliber".

That is often the problem with political fanatics; they are often easily fooled by their own predispositions. In any case (and no matter your political leanings), this kind of crap doesn't belong on Gizmodo. If want politics with my gadgets, I can head on over to The Huffington Post or The Blaze.