
They had an advantage. Other teams figured out that advantage and upgraded their cars. Meanwhile, their chief design guy stopped working on their cars. Other teams did not have this problem and continued to upgrade their cars. The Redbull team has also been lousy with scandal/legal trouble and I can’t imagine having

Saying they are losing $44k on every EV sale is highly misleading. /They are taking their total costs and write-downs of assets and applying it to every car sold. That is very different than the actual cost per vehicle for material labor and overhead.

And the volume of one’s car dilutes any gases to non-concern levels. And the minute the door is open, the car’s volume is flushed. And certainly you’re not operating the car with a child in it at those temps.

Any lift that raises the height of the bumpers period. If you want to lift your off-roader or mall-crawler, fine, but that bumper should drop by an equal about. It’s actually insane that it’s legal in this, the year of our lord 2024, to raise your vehicles bumper height by 8" without any oversight at all.

I struggle with this. Because the answer should be “most of them.” However, it seems like the majority of the ones that actually get enforced are for mods that are more common with minorities.

One of the few occasions where I think this should be a 1 strike you’re out rule. Get caught doing it, get your vehicle impounded. Then you have to pay impound to have it serviced to be put back to factory specs before you get it back.

Harley riders are on a different level of awful for this.

Any kind of lift on a full size pickup. Again, please see your doctor - there’s more effective treatments for micropenis.

Slammed cars. Not just low - tire wrapped 1" off the ground slammed. You want to bring it on a trailer (if you can get it on there) to some car show and drive around real slow, go for it. But if you have to drive 13 mph through my entire city so you don’t bottom out on anthills you need to make some adjustments to

US children’s car seats still contain hazardous chemicals such as flame retardants

Hate to see them go but nothing lasts forever.  Even though Clarkson proved to be a massive knob, there will probably never be a trio of hosts that top these guys.

Just make sure it ain’t a little red convertible.

Illinois has a new digital ID law going into effect on January 1st. They’ve taken this into account, at least. The text of the law includes, “Provides that the display of a mobile identification card and driver’s license shall not serve as consent or authorization for a law enforcement officer, or any other person, to

Harley Davidson employs around 6,500 people. By contrast, Duke University employs nearly 65,000. And that’s just at the main campus(es) in Durham. Duke Energy has another 27,000. And Duke isn’t even a particularly huge university.

It probably barely ran. It’s an old Evo ElectraGlide that someone had modified into a Road King clone. Why?

As a fellow lib, there’s nothing that makes me feel more “owned” than a complete stranger destroying his own property in a fit of pique over some bunch of strangers trying to make sure some other bunch of strangers are being treated fairly.

Filling your own motorcycle with bullet holes because the company tried to diversify it’s workforce & customer base.

This guy probably doesn’t actually care what Harley thinks. He did this for attention and the clicks, and you fell right into his trap.