
I disagree, at least for the U.S. market. Americans are fundamentally lazy and they like to think they can do things even if they will rarely if ever do them. So, for example, they will buy an SUV with 8,000lb towing capacity with 4wd even though 99% of the driving will be 20 mile trips through the suburbs. They like

This depends on the year in question. Some Model 3 Ps have a different motor from their same-year long range Model 3s. That is why Tesla stopped offering “stealth” model 3 Performance (performance software without the rest of the performance hardware).

What about these?

It’s not the rain. It’s all of the muck from the road that gets flung up with it when you drive in the rain.

I generally agree. I’ve never gotten into the detailing side of the hobby. It’s so demoralizing when you spend half a Saturday on your car only for a sudden rainstorm to make it look just like it did before.

I’m curious at that speed range. They only tested 1.17 to date- it’s unclear if Mach 1.3 is the upper theoretical limit for “boomless” supersonic flight or if there is actually testing data there. The plane is supposed to be able to cruise at Mach 1.7.

161 miles sounds a bit tough if your plan is turn it into a camper van. I bet that 161 is even worse on the freeway.

The GNX was cool and an interesting engineering exercise, but it’s not like the G-body it was based on was at all interesting or special. The only truly special thing was the motor. 

Trump wants to get his hands on Canada’s valuable rare earth elements.”

But he isn’t making the government smaller and less powerful. He’s consolidating power in his own hands. That’s exactly what happened after the night of the long knives and the burning of the Reichstag. The Nazis undermined any potential competing power center.

I think what people are mostly referring to with those stickers is the political crazy though. The cave rescue incident was weird, but not “I would never ever associate with someone like this” weird like someone who enjoys giving Nazi salutes. 

I think the article is a bit unkind to people with these stickers. There’s a difference between a CEO not being great on a personal level and the CEO being a Nazi hell-bent on destroying a free and democratic state. If we could only buy cars from CEOs where were great people, there wouldn’t be much to buy.

Even more when you start electrifying. A car like the Lucid Air Sapphire is WAAYYYY quicker than any 1990s supercar, but put it in economy mode and most people unfamiliar with it would have no idea whatsoever it runs 8s in the quarter mile.

I like the CTR, but $35k is a lot of coin for any 4-year old FWD car.

Could have been something like a diplomat car where the Japanese diplomat (probably lower-level embassy or consulate staff) had their car shipped over by the Japanese government and then decided to just sell it in the U.S. rather than ship it home where it probably couldn’t pass shaken after a few years of U.S.-duty.

Yeah, but most people with that kind of money don’t really daily drive. If they have a work commute (many don’t), they probably have a driver so they can do other things while they drive. If you aren’t driving yourself, something like a Maybach or Rolls makes more sense, but in reality a lot of them just do the black

I think most super exotics like this are rarely driven more than 1-2k miles a year. Someone who can drop millions on a car like this likely has a fleet of dozens of vehicles. 60k miles is probably 25+ years of ownership.

Even with these numbers (which appear rather conservative), it’s a slam dunk for EVs. Unless it gets totaled early, just about any vehicle sold is going to travel more than 25k miles in its lifetime. Average lifespan for a vehicle these days (regardless of power source) has to be well north of 100k miles. 

Delorean DMC12. Super cool car visually, but the mechanical aspects were terrible. You’d get a better performing and more reliable car. Plus, these things are mostly only driven around town or to Cars and Coffee anyways, so you don’t need to worry about range much.

I’ll take a ratty Miata over a clean Buick. Fortunately, I’m blessed not to live is a place where rust is a concern, so there’s not much on a Miata that can’t be fixed fairly cheaply/easily.