
RE EVs: For the last decade plus, everytime I’ve seen EVs discussed in a public forum (even when it’s about the merits of a specific model) someone who has been watching way too much Fox News always barges in and says something to the effect of “I bet you greenie weenies never considered those fancy electric cars are

The Ineos seem to be suddenly popular around here. I’d never even heard of them, and now I seem to see one every day (even multiple). My neighbor down the street even bought one. I have to believe there is some sort of work-around to a single supplier having issues. 

He comes across as level-headed until things aren’t going his way. He never stops whining on the radio when he’s having a bad race.

The more modern car is going to have better reinforced C-pillars and will actually offer some protection. The 1993 Corsica might as well be made of tinfoil in that department. 

They will if you get pushed into the car ahead. 

No, but if the bro-douche is about to hit you, would you rather be in this thing or a 2015 Camry? I know which one I’m choosing.

Won’t make the lifted pickup truck think twice before rear-ending them. 

Not sure I would entrust a teenager’s life to a 31 year old airbag. 

Sorry about the crappy experience. These days, the Acela from D.C. to NYC is pretty efficient (quicker than flying most times after accounting for airport travel and security) and reliable. It’s about 2hrs 45min (compared to more like 3.5 hrs driving) and doesn’t get stuck in traffic. In fact, it’s the one route in

I doubt there’s even a “concept of a plan” here. He’s just promising all sorts of stuff to get elected. 

There’s no evidence this guy has “wealth.” In fact, if his interest rate is 10%, that’s a strong sign he is not wealthy but simply has enough income to service his debts (for now at least). Some who is actually wealthy could just write a check to cover the negative equity rather than whining about to a car dealership

“in that era” is pretty key here. The Ford Windsor v8 (even in the updated “H.O.” form) was a 1960s design and the 5.0 here was first released in 1982 (still malaise era). So while 205hp out of 5L is pretty dismal, it wasn’t terribly out of line for its era. Due to its ubiquity, the motor does have a pretty robust

Ostrich? No whale penis no care. 

This article is just a case of extrapolation. It’s like looking at the weather forecast in July and noting it’s 10 degrees hotter than May, and then using that to predict it will be 10 degrees warmer than July come September.

I hate to inform you that you completely misread what I wrote. What I’m saying is that there is no indication of any fundamental problem with the Starship reaching orbit. It has the necessary thrust and fuel capacity. Simply because the Starship IV test flight did not seek to reach that velocity is not an indication

That’s like saying the Saturn V “can’t reach the moon” in 1968 because Apollo 7 only went to orbit. Reaching orbital velocity isn’t really the issue for the Starship. 

I regret to inform you the Starship did in fact orbit in June.

That was also around the time of his breakup with Grimes. Not an excuse, but a bit of an explanation for the trigger.  

VA and WV are... special. 

I also don’t own a single flat brimmed hat!