I’m guessing they were using a bot to answer the inquiries.
I’m guessing they were using a bot to answer the inquiries.
Which he will after a couple of years even if he doesn’t have the savings. Interest rates are likely to go down too.
The monthly payment isn’t the problem. $1,000 a month would have been a great deal if it were a 24 month loan. Besides the markup, the issue is the 15% interest rate. He could fix that with a refinance given his fairly good credit score.
8 hours? Just checked Google maps, and it shows 12 hrs 32 minutes from NYC to Charleston, S.C. And those Google map times are for zero stops (including fuel). Realistic drive time with reasonable fuel/meal/bathroom stops would be around 14 hours assuming no major traffic issues or other snafus (breakdowns, flat tires,…
Legally, the board is the CEO’s boss. They can fire him. But the Tesla board is made of Musk loyalists, so there’s no likelihood they would do so. Shareholders vote for board members, but Tesla shareholders are also mostly pro-Musk (as evidenced by his compensation vote), so wouldn’t vote down board members over…
This better be a “mark ‘em up to mark ‘em down” situation, because a fully optioned up EV Charger is hitting Lucid Air/Model S territory. Then you have cars like the Ioniq 5N, which will be just as quick for a lot less.
Sure, but if you include all of that there’s no such thing as a 2 hour flight.
It’s a tactic of the budget airlines (at least Spirit/Frontier). They are hoping they can get you in the door with the cheap headline price and won’t be able to add up what it really costs until after you’ve booked. Southwest isn’t a budget airline in the same way- they tend not to have a bunch of hidden fees.
Most 2-hour flights are more like 15 hour drives.
They have heat management issues on-track. So do the GR Corollas for that matter.
I don’t blame the Cybertruck team for the result there. It was all Musk. They were given impossible tasks by Musk and absurd design requirements to work with.
I’m not even convinced of that. The BAT/Mecum (or whatever the auctioneer of the day) darlings are going to be the Hellcat variants. Maybe they have more than delivery miles, but there are going to be plenty of garage queen Deamons on the auction block. Nobody is going to care about a standard SRT-8 even if it looks…
I highly doubt it goes to trial. It’s unlikely to survive summary judgment.
Lol. I always pronounced the knife and the singer the same. Not sure which one I was mispronouncing.
You can certainly debate the merits of allowing Starlink, but the idea of using LEO satellites to deliver internet was innovative and transformative for satellite internet. The Starlink satellites are in VLEO and will deorbit on their own within a few years, so they don’t result in a permanent “space junk” problem…
For all his problems, Elon hasn’t managed to ruin SpaceX. It’s actually been incredibly successful. In fact, the only reason why we aren’t worried about the astronauts being stranded permanently is the fact that the SpaceX dragon (the one that 10 years ago everyone assumed would fly after the Starliner) has proven to…
I don’t think you get it. Loss per vehicle sold is not the same thing as “loss for every vehicle sold.” The former is just company loss divided by number of vehicles sold (what Rivian reported). The latter implies there is a marginal loss for each additional vehicle sold.
Saying it violated antitrust laws is not the same thing as saying it’s a criminal offense. They are claiming civil damages.
“In fact, the automaker loses more than $32,000 on every car that rolls off the production line in Normal, Illinois, as Automotive News reports:”
Remember Mitsubishi Circa 1996? They actually made some great vehicles. That line up included the Eclipse, 3000GT, Galant (with awesome vr-4 variant!), Montero, and even a near-luxury Diamante. That’s not even getting into the forbidden fruit EVO III.