
Yuki was within DRS range of KMag when the call was made, so I get why he was upset. Once they swapped places, Riccardo never got as close as Yuki had been. 

2016 STI. It’s great to drive but still hauls the family around no-problem when called to do so. However,

In the U.S., you can sue anybody for any reason. Whether you win is a different story. Also, he almost certainly had an employment contract (because he is effectively a CEO and most executives have employment contracts) and was not an at-will employee, so the terms of his employment would be governed at least in part

Status makes all the difference and totally changes the experience. Last time I flew American, I had to sit by the toilet, boarded last after the overhead was full and had to check a bag. Not a great experience. With United, I have a better 50/50 chance of sitting in first class or sit in economy + if not, get a free

I flew United enough last year to get their top tier “Global Services” frequent flyer status. My take on the Big 3 is that they are all basically the same, with choice mostly dependent on where you are based (i.e. American if Dallas-based, Delta if Atlanta, United if Chicago). But the Big 3 is mostly worth flying if

That is not a “60 foot cliff.” It is no more than double the height of the recovery worker standing next to it. More like 10-15 foot cliff with a gentle 30 foot slope above it. 

Sounds awful, but there is no way it was literally true that there were no hotel rooms anywhere. There may have been no hotel rooms in United’s system of hotels they usually use for such circumstances. When that happens, you book your own and then demand reimbursement from the airline.

It’s already like that if there is any sort of chronic or ongoing care involved. A friend of my wife’s had a brain aneurysm in her early 20s. She survived, but is permanently disabled (one side of her body is partially paralyzed and she has random seizures). The hospital swallowed the $2 million+ headline bill for the

I’m sure we will eventually see a new roadster just like we eventually saw the Cybertruck. Whether its any good is a completely different story. A lot of it may just come down to how ambitious they want to make the project. Slapping a roadster body on a Model S Plaid and calling it a day wouldn’t be that hard. 

The costs for anything that are “medical” are totally looney toons in this country. It’s like they have a wheel of fortune wheel, spin it, and whatever comes out is the cost. It often has little to do with the economic cost of providing the service. If she had instead just chartered a helicopter and paid an RN to fly

They could have just posted every single current BMW model.

I feel like I have a high tolerance for less than beautiful vehicles, but the current M3 is a bridge too far. I don’t care how good it is otherwise, I just couldn’t own a vehicle that makes me throw up a little every time I look at it. 

It’s a cheaper/lower end model than the 720. The Artura starts at $275k while the 720s starts at $310k.

They do, but this is actually the first one that’s on a totally new platform since McClaren got back into the street car business. 


I haven’t, but why would I ever want to? Anything from that era worth driving has the shifter where it belongs.

I’m sure they do, but there’s a lot more “cool points” to be had with SpaceX. NASA seems to be able to find people even though I’m sure they pay a lot less for similar talent than Boeing or Lockheed.

So which brand of big truck do you drive? 

I like my manual in traffic. I don’t like forward creep that most automatics have, and feathering the clutch pedal is not fundamentally different from feathering the brake. The main difference is I can take my foot off the clutch pedal when traffic is stopped. The only time I’d agree with this is if you had an

I thought this was about “dumb car myths”- not immutable truths.