
Dad? What are you doing here? Oh nevermind, I’m not real so you can’t be my real dad. 

Not my experience at all regarding reliability. Mid 00s GM was not a quality high mark. 

My mother in law drove one of these for about 10 years. It was an unreliable POS and has an interior made of Tupperware. Head gaskets went under 100k miles. It was sold for around $2j. Sorry, but even in today’s crazy market, I can’t fathom paying over $6k for one.

It’s an apples to oranges comparison. If you want to find out about color depreciation, you’d need to compare the same model.

The top corporate tax rate was never 90%, and it wouldn’t matter if it were, because most of the companies I’ve mentioned are still earning out of huge net operating losses.

Noble was in the same position of a lot of companies of the industry. It had been suffering 6 years of relatively low prices after the 2014 oil crash and could not afford to fund its main project required to ensure long term viability (the Leviathan field off the coast of Israel). At 2020 prices, it was looking at

Do you really think the current supreme court would sign off on that?

I’d encourage you to review the forms 10-K for the larger upstream (oil and gas producers, not refiners and shippers) companies (Hess, ConocoPhillips, Devon, EOG, etc.)  They we’re positively hemorrhaging money. Some, like Noble Energy didn’t survive (was bought by Chevron because they weren’t going to make it). 

I doubt this post will get a lot of stars, but the price of gas is going to need to rise further. Right now, U.S. oil inventories are at historic lows relative to demand once you consider releases of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. We are drawing down storage, and using more oil in the world than is produced.

Buy the most compact child seat you can find (within reasonable safety bounds), then take it on test drives. Only way to be sure. 

College road trip. We (4 of us with the car packed to the gills) are in the middle of nowhere Wyoming with a friend driving my car and following another friend’s car. It’s about 11pm at night.

You bought a “new” car, but it was a year old when you bought it. It’s not like time doesn’t exist when a car sits on a lot.

There’s no other current AWD performance car that is any lighter. Yes, cars from a long time ago were lighter. A GC8 STI from the 1990s was under 3,000, but that would never pass 2022 safety requirements.

It is a 2018, which would have hit showrooms in late summer 2017. That was 5 years ago. 

This is a nearly 5 year old car selling for what they cost new at the time. Heck, I almost bought a new GTI SE for $24k back in 2016.

I don’t know what you are referring to in 2013, but the EV picture is dramatically different today than in 2013. EV market share has gone from around .2% to 5% (and it doubled in the last year alone). ICE isn’t going away in 10 years, but EVs are on track to hit nearly 50% market share in another 10 years.

If you don’t have a charger at home, no EV works right now. But that’s an infrastructure problem, not a battery problem. 

Did you read it? If it’s not possible to get rid of Cobalt , then how are half of Tesla batteries made without it?

They were still using horses in WWII. Obviously not exclusively, but it took a lot longer to completely replace them for transit. And of course there are niche users like the Amish even today.