Thank you. This is the equivalent of a guy on the train sitting next to you and bitching about how the government is bugging everyone's brain.
he looks like the offspring of Ben Stiller & the Geico Caveman.
"Think about where this could lead if government gets involved in science and medicine."
You're both wrong. It was a Stapp infection.
Does the personal shopping consultation include a Big Mistake moment, or is the "Don't Judge a Hooker by her Cover" package extra?
How is he naked if he's wearing a hat?
I hate you sometimes, I have soup for dinner and no steak in the building.
Katy Perry - "The More You Know"
Just started following Saved by the bell hooks.
All I can see is this:
Someone broke Megyn Kelly and I'm loving every. fucking. second.
You read the comments on the linked article? Oh honey,
If the difference between terminating an anencephalic fetus at 21 weeks and euthanizing a senior citizen escapes you, I'm genuinely concerned for your ability to take care of yourself.
Wilfork was disappointed to discover that there was no apple filling inside of the turnover
This is big: the Supreme Court will finally rule on whether same-sex marriage is a right under the Constitution.
2o minute rosemary and lemon roast chicken? Recipe or it didn't happen.
Skiba: [checks himself]