Oh, you poor, sweet summer child.
Oh, you poor, sweet summer child.
Shout out to the ref for bumping the leg as he casually stepped over Nurkic.
Can’t tell what will piss certain people off more, that you dared to put Magic Grandpa on the list or that you dared to put him in the same category as the hiss “Neoliberals”...
Yeah, i’m pretty sure the “real tragedy” is Michael Jackson raping children.
corset-wearers generally lived longer than the average life expectancy for the time periods.
Your “president” is an overly dramatic little bitch who stunts for social media.
This is definitely not the important part of the article but you seem to have selected a stock image of the wrong U of M. That picture is definitely the University of Michigan not the University of Minnesota. Even if you were referencing the University of Michigan Flint Professor, that’s still the wrong campus.
I just love how every single coach hired from the Patriots only seems to have learned only the wrong things from coaching under Belichick.
Clearly she’s burdened with tremendous economic anxiety which is why liberals need to maintain civil discourse so she doesn’t feel uncomfortable.
So black women are leading this and you chose to spotlight this fraud? Uh Joy Ann Reid, Kamala Harris and queen Maxine would’ve been better and more accurate choices. Christ you morons fell for her bullshit. Every fucking candidate that this trout faced heathen and her arrogant sugar daddy Bernie Sanders has backed…
*insert eye roll gif*
...just when I thought I’d seen the last of Nina “The Freakin’ Cable News Sound Bite Queen” Turner.
I’m almost certain Trump’s bullshit “I could have been taping him... you don’t know” claims earlier this year are a direct result of finding out the Russian taped him without knowing.
It’s pretty common for children to take things they think are cool or surprised them and pretend they can do it too.
“I can’t be angry,” Counts said or his accuser, who remains unnamed.“If I waste a minute being angry it’s a waste of time. That’s a minute I could have been happy.”
ewwwww, why the hell did you post that gif. i just threw up in my mouth
The crowd reaction confuses me. Everybody seemed way to excited about a dunk and not nearly outraged enough at the appalling assault they just witnessed.