Wait a minute ... which was a wig?
Wait a minute ... which was a wig?
More! More!
What’s the story behind this one? I must know
I had a boss who was a law professor and attorney with many important meetings and talks each week. He chose to wear Tevas with open toes and no socks every day. He also clipped his toenails in public, thanks to easy access from said Tevas. I have since then aspired to be famous enough to be able to retain my street…
I very much wish I could wear a cape without looking evil / like a super villain. The warmth, the coverage, the ability to shield my other clothes from splashing shit water in the gutter ... That's the dream, amiwrong?
You were cheated. If you liked Two Hearted, they should have sent you some Hopslam.
Came here to post both of these ... do I know you? That’s amazing.
I’m going next week for my sister’s wedding in Deadwood, so this is my last week that I can say I’ve never been. #opportunity
You think you're sooooooooooooooooooo sharp, huh? :-)
And now you can have #5! http://gawker.com/rest-in-peace-…
Aww shit. I want a redo of my choice of Eggplant Friday.
He pulled a Tulloch! Good for him!
"'food is not love,' Ham says. "
Don't worry about it; all the rules are made up anyway. You can leave whenever you want because it's not real.
Thanks! That was the missing piece I needed. Agreed w/r/t immoral wankers.
So these funds for victims that come from perpetrators are federal funds now? I thought restitution was court ordered pay directly to the victims. (I'm assuming they Hyde rider is the same as usual, restricting federal funds from being allocated toward abortion care).
It turns out most of the sample was drawn from a sole interviewee: One Mr. Newt Gingrich.
Exactly this. There is some kind of "women are for sex and looking at" mentality among men in Congress and among (at least) right wing talk radio. Hillary for president? Would Not Fuck. So no. When a woman runs for Clinton's senate seat it was "oh, a sexy version of Clinton." Ok. That shit doesn't happen when the…