
Disable vehicles indoors.

Regardless, Bungie: As adults with roommates, spouses, children, and pizza delivery guys occasionally asking for our attention, we cordially ask you to add some way to pause your fucking game. Thanks.

The worst part, at least for me, is when your team plays Control thinking it's a TDM. FFS just control 2/3 zones and play defense. The concept seems so alien to a lot of people I've been matched with.

Kinjaaaaaa. How is the goddamn author not approved?

My personal opinion (probably not widely shared) is that I don't care much for the pvp in Destiny. Then again, I don't care much for pvp in general. I know I'm only a mediocre FPS player, I don't need "MadDog69" to repeatedly blast me into oblivion to drive that message home. About the only pvp I enjoy is

I really love the pre-battle poses. Iike looking at all the armor combos with different shaders. Plus, when you see that pure white, you know you're in good company.

I came into Destiny intending to avoid everything except the PvP. I've had enough of the MMOG grind, even the "healthy" kind, to say nothing of the kind of deviance demanded by cave- and respawn-farming. This was an easy enough resolution to maintain throughout the trip from level 2 to 20, but now that I've found

We had a good run. Thanks for everything, Mr. Cave.

Holy shit that banner illustration. I can't imagine that work-order.... Hey Jim... here's what I need.....

"Seriously, though, I think Americans take consensual sex way too seriously"

I was a pretty good slut back in the day and now I just tell people they retired my number.

Well, I guess you could say, that she had some dead weight in the trunk...

Is it me you're looking for?

Oh god, that smile is scary!

Here I was wondering what the hell I was going to do with the $9778.80 that I found while riding my bike during lunch.

You video game platform racist.

Goes well with my new gold plated tv

24k plating is cheap as fuck son!