
Alex Roy did some obscenely stupid things that could have easily ruined his life (as well as the lives of others), but he was intelligent enough to not publicly acknowledge them while he could still be held legally liable.

They could use the time-distance method. If they know the distance between two objects and how long it took him to get from one to the other, they know his speed.

Statute of limitations.

Willkommen in New York

I hate that plastic bit on the XJ anyway.

Wait, they have sunlight in London? I'm sure that this building's light reflection is only a problem during London's 12 minutes of sunlight per year.

Frankly, anyone rich enough to afford an hour's worth of on-street parking anywhere in central London deserves to have their car melted.

Good thing it's London and the sun only comes out for about 25 hours a year.

Sun in England is equivalent ro rain in Nevada. Each has heard of the other, but rarely ever sees it.

So the architects forgot to plan for the two sunny days per year in London? Easy mistake.

Wait, London has sunshine?

Time for a Mythbusters journey to London!

No. No one saw it as a possibility because London and sun. It's apparently hard to even imagine a "sunny day" in London.

imagine a corvette parked next to it.

Cool! Archimedes Death Ray!

I think you mean tyres.

Wamp, wamp.


Those are some good brakes!