
Around these parts, holding your hand in that position is more likely to be interpreted as indicating masturbation* - making it an ideal white power symbol

To be honest, her style of music isn’t really on my radar. But she is a phenomenon and I only have admiration for the woman - her presence, consistency and connection with her fans.

Screw you Mr Harriot. Every time you make me laugh and you make me think and you make me angry at the world. All at once.

Thank you for highlighting this Kirsten

Thanks for the excellent guide. As someone from a country where tipping is the exception, I’m conscious when traveling to try to meet the local expectations, but never really understand the expectations or the ballpark to operate in.

For the record, I hate it when someone overtakes on a no passing zone. Some stretches of road are designated no passing because the view of oncoming traffic is so deceptive.

1. Tuesday

To emphasise the point? My interpretation on watching this was as follows:

The upside of that approach is that it saved a bleeding heart liberal from me from having to wrestle with my conscience and figure out the right response to a genuine heartfelt apology and admission of complete wrong.

I saw Horowitz in a perfect balance of seethingly pissy and dimplomatically gracious. And given how much a win would have meant to him and his team, the seethingly pissy was perfectly justified (regardless of personal views on the relative merits of the film.)

Watching the video, I believe the stooge in the background during the abortive speech is bringing in the right envelope. Certainly looks like he’s putting it in Beatty’s hands and telling him to take it up there.

Shit -all those reasons she *should* be elected look like reasons she won’t

Reading the comments - a few talk about Black History Month as being the only time Americans really hear about non-white history, and influential figures. This is sad (I’m not in USA, btw, bear with my ignorance.)

I hate stories like this. I’ve seen enough of them that turn out to have more to the story than is presented, so I can’t help wondering if the person who runs to the media isn’t missing key details. But I’ve also seen enough to know there’s plenty of poison in the system...

Ok, I promise I’m *not* taking this too seriously. Honest...

As a white dude (not in the US, but we have race relations issues in New Zealand too) who gives a damn and is reading the Root with interest to try to understand, not just assume, I clicked the link to this article with a “what the ...?” sense of dread at the take on Obama and race relations.

When I first saw the articles about this I wondered about gorilla vs guerrilla as an explanation. Then I watched the video and listened.

Works for bedroom choices as well...

Seen one, seen the mall...

High quality holograms were entirely possible a long time ago in a certain far-flung galaxy. However prior to the Trade Federation there was the Media Federation who forced all kinds of DRM and Region Codes on the holographic technology - totally pissing off some Jedi council members who were posted in the Outer Rim