J. Mumford

Why watch Sunday Night Football when the players are disrespecting our country by not standing for the National Anthem. It may not mean anything to you but to those of us who love our country it means everything. And why watch a show where overpaid overgrown children are glorifying themselves by giving themselves

That's what I love about hetrophobic people, they are all believe the same thing, a person can have an opinion as long as it is the same opinion as theirs. I believe that is called intolerance. Oh yes, another word (among many) comes to mind, hypocritical.

This season has too many unnecessary lesbian scenes that have nothing to do with the story line and it is getting boring real fast. I'm disappointed in the direction the show is going into. If they continue with the gay crap, I'm out and will find a different show that doesn't have to use homosexuality as a hook to

I don't care what is in the comics but if the tv show goes the gay route like so many other tv shows have, then that is it for me. I will no longer watch it. One of the reasons I like WD is the way they handle the couple scenes, it was tasteful until Abraham. You can tell a lot about the quality of a show in how they