They also have “candy cane” flavored joe-joe’s. Mint taste, not dipped in fudge or topped with candy canes but awesome none the less.
They also have “candy cane” flavored joe-joe’s. Mint taste, not dipped in fudge or topped with candy canes but awesome none the less.
No. I was hopefull of that too but I don’t think it would kick in until next year. Which means people will have a larger paycheck for the year up until the midterms.
But it will create jobs! So, many jobs that everyone can work several low paying ones instead of having a well paying career!
But when you lose your jobs you won’t need to pay taxes at all! This tax bill is so full of win you can’t even begin to understand it!!!
Paul Ryan is third in line. So we can all breath easy?
But the questions are..
1. What if Nixon had never resigned? Because, frankly, I don’t think stepping down is something Trump will do willingly. He has an ego bigger than the Mexico wall he wants to build and giving up would be the equivalent of being a loser (which I think is what he views to be the biggest insult…
I don’t know for sure but I guess probably for spotting when off-road. I think it would be awesome if it rolled down.
Very few people wore seat belts in cars or helmets on motorcycles yet they all do in the movies. It’s because Hollywood gets yelled at when it is perceived that they are promoting unsafe habits in vehicles. Even when it takes place in the past.
Are you generalizing about Kia or have you been inside a Stinger?
It used to be known as a signature cocktail but that implied a new drink that nobody has ever had before. So the term craft cocktail was created to basically say “this one drink which we have chosen to be crafted for you at our event because it is special to us.”
When you typed HAS did you mean HSA? Because if there if more potential for deferred vehicles I want more info. But, I can’t find any info on HASes out there.
It’s not just parental obsessions though. Some states have laws for age height etc.
I know it was a typo but I have to say this because I am in foul mood and when I thought of it it made me laugh.
Yes, so I and my wife and 1 kid cross the household income level that qualifies us for any money by like 15 bucks. So, no I’m not cash strapped, but with all other expenses coupled with the extra 20 for my son’s insurance on top of what we already pay out of pocket for his various therapies (because everything has a…
I honesty didn’t know about preventative being covered. The companies seem to go a long way to hide this little tidbit.
This is just terrible advice. Now, I don’t qualify for subsidies so my cost basis might be way off compared to some. But the Bronze plans being offered to me here in NC don’t kick in until after I have hit my deductible. So, I need to rack up $6500 (a full year of HSA deposits at the family level) in full price…
There is a difference between being driven in to the neighborhood and being driven from house to house to up the score. I know more kids than actually live in my neighborhood showed up at my door last night, which i tottaly cool because I only buy candy that I like and shouldn’t have lots of leftovers for my own sake.…
Your right about kids with difficulty communication. I do have the benefit of being able to sense (usually) problem situations like that because of helping my kid get past some of his stuff so I don’t push too hard. I will say that one of the things I like about traditional trick or treating is it forces the shy kids…
As long as they say “trick or treat” when I open the door I will give candy to litterally anyone standing there. But the older kids seem to think the are too old or too cool for - as I call it - the line. So, I do give them shit when I open the door and am greeted with “hey”.
Also, as a parent, I will encourage my kid…
I think you need at least seven because most repair shops are closed on the weekend.