Golden Sours

"Cherry Bomb" is his best since "Bastard."

The A.V. Club

“I don’t ever say things about other people’s work that are negative,” he told Variety, adding that it was “bad form” and “not what a gentleman would do.” Then he tipped his fedora and wished m'lady a fond adieu.

He might have deserved it, but not for anything on "Mr. Wonderful."

They probably have one of those in an arcade in Japan somewhere AND it is probably a shit-ton of fun. So yes.

Yeah. If you were to play any of these types of games 'Rocksmith" should be the one as it actually teaches you how to play guitar.

You cast a pretty wide net for "new."

Ah. I see you found the nuance hidden within Excitable Misunderstood Genius's comment.

Teti is back!

I genuinely enjoy his writing and find it a pleasure that once or twice a week we actually get an article from him. He has an approach to his articles that are engaging, even if the topic isn't terribly interesting, and he goes at it with the gusto of a true writer. I know that there is a premium on content

"As someone that currently lives in Florida…" ah, looks like the posit was there all along.

Rabble Rabble Rabble Rabble!

I was hoping Teti was going to be the constant. ;(

Did you mean Lucy? You mean Lucy right? Lucy?

If the Selma articles from earlier this year mean anything it is that we DON'T bring up old movie reviews from AV Club if they don't mesh with the point currently trying to be made.

Pffftttttbbbb digital releases are dumb.

I'm not saying she is wrong in co-producing a documentary about her father. I am saying that it really isn't that different than RS publishing yet another article about Cobain's legacy every year or so or interviewing her about her father while she is on a promotional tour for a movie about her father that she had a

…she just co-executive produced a documentary about her dead father in which one of the leading stories is the fact that SHE is a co-executive producer. That… that doesn't really give you much of a leg to stand on for calling out RS, especially since if RS wasn't corpse-humping, the general public wouldn't care about

Boy, we sure hated that LAST dumb joke Kickstarter, but THIS dumb joke Kickstarter is better because it is based on a moribund meme instead of just some stupid shit, Internet.

Since John Singleton isn't directing this movie any more will we be able to reinstate the scene where an animated young Tupac picks out his name from a collection of options he has written down in his composition notebook?