Golden Sours

Remember when you could figure out if a movie was a bomb or not just by seeing if it made its money back? If you made a $60 million movie and it only grossed you $25 million that was a bomb. If you made a $2 million movie and it grossed $6 million it was a success (not necessarily a blockbuster, but not a

It isn't that Marlo didn't have these things as much as he wasn't the type of character to expound on these issues with other people. That means the only real way to delve into them is to either give the character an inner monologue OR do tactless flashback sequences. Marlo's character didn't tell you about his

I mean even in the original news reports (including the one posted here) it said that it actually wasn't the set or even all that close to the set to begin with. All of the HEADLINES however (including the one posted here)…

*"Bah Gaaawd!"

He is a big believer in Rhonda Byrne's The Secret.

Hard to know how nice you have it when you don't know any other way.

Outrageous Conduct: Art, Ego, and the Twilight Zone Case by Stephen Farber and Marc Green is a really fascinating read.

Are you one of the Broken Lizard guys?

"Clicks, Clicks, Clicks!"


I saw them on the same tour and they were really good. I was excited when I heard they had signed a contract and were releasing their first album. Then that album came out, wasn't very good, and I quickly filed the band in my "oh well" category.

Modest Mouse turned into Weezer so gradually that I didn't even notice…

Still trying to get John Mulaney over, huh, AV Club?

Don't tell Jon Hamm about it.

Is this a Clickhole quiz question?

Is this film going to be like Space Jam?

Then Arnold said that lifting a weight is like cumming all over the place and it began to sound like Reddit again.

"In soccer terms." This here is America, Alex, "flopping" is a basketball term.

Also remember the talking baby commercial/CBS Show.

Let's check in on Mills Lane to get the official position.
- "I'll allow it!