baby godzilla

ahhh sorry, i should have noticed the other replies

it sets a legal precedent, allowing others to coopt the brand. they kind of have to sue or it can be cited as not defending their copyright. as far i understand...

why, a lad could buy ten laying hens, a quart of molasses and hear the organ griner, too

how Nors Korya become denoocleeurize?

sounds like my early twenties, except with massive mood swings instead of hallucinations. except when i was on hallucinogens.

i’m declaring myself Beth Elderkin

millenials are 22-37

orrrr.... he actually IS Peter Thiel

i think every account is Tomato. am i Tomato? oh shit

i guess you’re trolling, but no one on earth is called a “Democrat Socialist”

yeah, that was awwwful

if all the ukeleles that exist were destroyed, the world would be a better place.

you too!

fuck you

okay it MUST be a troll

close enough eh

comments like this make me miss twitter. a bit.

i mean, it’s kind of funny but i do have a fever