
I'm surprised to see Soul Sacrifice instead of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on this list.


And this has what to do with video games?

Now playing

This is probably the only truthful review of DmC out there.

And nothing of value was lost. The End.

Nah, I'll stick to DVDs. They're cheaper and look the same as BluRays when upscaled.

OR get the even better Game Boy version by only paying $3.99 instead of $40.

I was going to get this game, then I found out about the 1 Million coin award. After that I said screw this game.

I wouldn't do that with the new Win8 UI. It may just make you blind.

But it wasn't a port!

Same that this is an Xbox exclusive. This could do really well on Steam.

How you tried removing the manual and seeing if that would help it shut?

To the people that are saying they want to own the game, that's not the point of this service. The point of this service is for you to be able to play games in high detail over the internet without having to buy a decent gaming computer.

@Comatose Turtle: Why? The BN games are the best games after the Zero games.

@DreadNemesis: You obviously haven't been looking hard enough then.

@SKiTz: Why when you can already buy movies in the PSN Store? Hell, you can even rent movies too. That sounds like Netflix to me.

We all know what happened to those people remade Chrono Trigger. This will probably happen to this remake too.