The Reformed Swan

I eat meat, but not bacon. Bacon is full of nitrates that make my stomach hurt, not to mention the heartburn.

Ikr. I’m glad someone said it.

Don’t forget the too, to, two mix up as well. Actually, there was nothing but to.

too, not to


I want Directv and Time Warner or whoever to settle their beef so I can watch baseball on my television.

Her being the legal mother does not negate him being a gold digger or not.

Who is the child living with?

There are so many men itching to shoot and kill someone and get away with it? Why is this? Why do men have a desire to kill? I don’t have the desire to kill.

Where is the father’s responsibility in this mess? All 6 were his? What did he think would happen if he impregnated her time and time again. I’m sure it is gut-wrenching to have an abortion, and even more so to bring a fetus to term and deliver it to give it away. There was spousal abuse noted. This was a confused and

The name Nigel translates in my female brain to mean fuckboy.

Sally has a vocal fry when she talks to Betty. I hate it.

Joan was not willing to abandon her son, she was making a point that he wanted her to choose between the two.

Don was not flirting with the 17 year old. He was amused by her flirting.

Look at those abs and thighs! She’s not just a runner, but a power runner!

Or it made her very happy to have her mother’s undivided attention since a long time.

At least the class RSVP’ed. I haven’t been able to get that from people in my area.

Oh shut up. It’s not zero sum.

We had a policy where I used to live that trapped feral cats, they were then spay/neutered and then taken back to where they lived. The tip of their left ear was clipped while they were under so if they were caught again it would indicate if they had the surgery already. Eventually, the number of feral cats decreased.

And before she was fired she bragged how nothing would happen to her when people warned her that she may suffer behind this.