The Reformed Swan

Oh shut up. It’s not zero sum.

We had a policy where I used to live that trapped feral cats, they were then spay/neutered and then taken back to where they lived. The tip of their left ear was clipped while they were under so if they were caught again it would indicate if they had the surgery already. Eventually, the number of feral cats decreased.

And before she was fired she bragged how nothing would happen to her when people warned her that she may suffer behind this.

Fucking plebeian.

I hate these cutesy types who think doing something mean, nasty, vulgar, raunchy, etc makes them cutesy. It’s like Sarah Palin and her moose hunting. It ain’t cute. It ain’t cute when men do it and it ain’t cute when women do it. It plays off the cartoon trope or old movie trope when the damsel says, “Little ol’ me,”

No one wants to give Tidal a chance because of the smugness of everyone involved.

There is a level of efficiency here to admire. I mean, who already sorted gifted books and put them in storage by a baby’s first, second, or third birthday? Not me.

I wonder if they did the whole financial aide, FAFSA thing? If ITT can do it, why not them?

At first I thought Dax was choking Kristen.

Yet, when you ask one of them what over the counter medicine would help clear up the congestion that is forever in your throat, they tell you to ask your doctor.

Because the pain they suffer is physically real. To conclude that such physical pain is psychological is to come to understand our failing as human. How can we have a psychological power so great that it causes us physical pain, but not great enough for us to control it for something great?

I don’t think it’s the money as much as it is “I’m going to make that bitch pay!”

I don’t think she should have to return anything. The wife comes off as a very petty person. Let it go bitter old woman. (not that she doesn’t have the right to be angry). Getting “stuff” back will never erase the disloyalty her husband demonstrated.

I don’t know why, but I am offended for the California drought.

Looks like cocaine. But it’s none of my business. And I would get rid of those two “dancers” who I thought had my back. Bitches!

I liked it a lot. Actually, I would say it is the best Hardy followed by The Mayor of Casterbridge.

It was done in the 1990s too. Not too satisfying.

They cannot resist the aroma of the alfalfa.

She doesn't die, but a lot of sheep do.

Fuck Jon Stewart.