The Reformed Swan

Michelle said Obama has stinky feet. Who wants to fuck someone with stinky feet? Ew.

The problem is, does he want to fuck you, baby? That is what would ruin any such fantasy about any celebrity for me. The thought that if they had a choice, they wouldn’t do it. Not good.

I agree with context, and I don’t do absolutes, so of course sometimes well-spoken can mean well-spoken.

It’s what racist white people replaced their use of “articulate” with after that got called out and labeled as racist. Only white people living under rocks know to not use the word articulate when talking about someone black. Racists don’t stop they re-purpose and re-direct.

You need to get on that Peaky.

You are a callous toe rag.

It’s only newsworthy because Lil Kim once associated with him, and leading in and tying him to her is misogynistic. Was she part of these murders? Did she know about these murders? If not, then why connect them in this way? Assholes.

There were commenters here that found it A-okay to prank people in an art gallery. Pranks suck because they take advantage of trust. Trust is necessity to live in a civilized society. Trust is already abused in normal day-to-day interactions. We don't need to intentionally diminish trust.

Fair weather fans.

And they eat the roots of all of your plants unless you have them in gopher baskets. I hate them. When a hawk comes around, I pray that it has a ground squirrel for dinner.

The movie is horrible because the grandmother/mother/daughter casting is too distracting.

I know the age differences in that dumb ass movie Tammy was too distracting.

We all know that religion means Christianity.

How does he know it was Michael Jackson?

Jaime Foxx is not on his way down. That's a pipe dream.

What a full circle of dickwads and twats.

No. Just joking. You know how trigger happy America has gotten when it comes to certain skin hues and names. We all know that brown and black people are more likely to be thrown in jail for bullshit. So, I am suggesting through joke that Indiana has found a way to deal with their fear. They trump up charges and

What's not being said is how the state of Indiana (not the south) had to do it to keep her (the mother) from blowing up a government building.

Why does Oliver's clothes fit him so poorly?

Today starts the holy week for all of the Christian thumpers on Facebook. I just read someone tell someone with major anxiety disorder that all she needed was Jesus. Man. Easter week!