The Reformed Swan

I don't smoke, and I don't think people should smoke on an airplane. And, I mostly certainly did not fly into a rage. If you call anything I typed a rage then I am quite sure that you have never been around a rage. My point, and it is still my point, is how people go into a panic mode for the slightest thing. Every

It may still be on the exact copier you were using.

Since when is bail the same as a fine? It doesn't work like that.

Yeah well they better stay in a bubble somewhere because if it is that bad a car driving by will kill them. Pollution, cleaning supplies, etc. I don't believe the average person walking around is that delicate. Maybe they should stay away from potential problems (society in general) and go live on a hill top

You have dutifully pressed the "what if panic button" enough today. Give yourself a pat on the back and tell yourself that you can now take the remainder of the day off. Rest assured that someone else will take up the torch of "what if panic" in your absence.

Yeah, that was a raging fire, that was.

Whatever. I'm not the one pushing the "what if," and "Oh noes" button every second of every day. No wonder so many people suck down the Xanax like breath mints. The sky is falling!

OMG, NO! Stop it. You are not some delicate snowflake. I am sure she was not smoking any longer than it took someone to get the attention of the flight attendant. About the same amount of smoke exposure when walking by a passing by smoker. Stop with this, "I'm so precious I am going to melt instantly, INSTANTLY,

Why is $500 paltry? She didn't kill anyone. And no one was at risk. What is with this knee-jerk desire to throw the book at everyone one for every little thing. God bless MURICA!

I'm convinced that every last one of these anti-abortion people have in fact had an abortion.

You have to sneak something into the literature, the way the women's prison made a cow look like a pig on a decal for police cars up in the North East somewhere. Hilarious.

I have heard teachers complaining about choices.

No respect, but that's some claptrap.

They are smarter than that. And children can take themselves in and out of scenarios. It's called imagination. /wink.

If you want to be technical, I am sure some (or many) literary critics would not call the material horrible. But none of it resonates with me, and I keep that from my daughter because I don't want to prejudice her but she hasn't liked any of them. Like I said in another comment, 1984 gave her nightmares. She has

By the way, I don't know if the teachers are doing it because it is hipped. For some reason teachers are stuck on those novels.

Actually, since 7th grade she has had to read every book that you have listed. The Giver was first, then the Hunger Games (the first one), Animal Farm, next came Fahrenheit 451, 1984 in 9th grade (which was triggering and too scary), and just now Lord of the Flies. Although I read somewhere that Lord of the Flies

So it's either or, Romance or Dystopian? The novels are selected by the teacher/school. What the kids like have little to do with it.

Good for you that you can refuse work. I have a friend who teaches who can never get hired for more than a month here or there. Probably because she went into teaching at 50. Apparently, there is nothing is wrong with new older teacher, the other younger candidate was just more wanted (Even though they came out of

Hooray for her if she is one of those English teachers who doesn't teach dystopian novels. What's up with this trend? Every year my daughter comes home with a list of dystopian novels she has to read. I HATE DYSTOPIAN NOVELS. It's hard for me to help my child when she has to read horrible material.