The Reformed Swan

Thank you.

Totally stole my line! lol.

Better yet:

I done told you George that my name isn't Condi.

I love the arrogance of that old lady and how sure she is that she is doing it right, and the frustration of the woman who knows the old lady is doing it all wrong. I just love it. I love the one that the woman is crushing the candy with hammer too.

Animal cracker, now that she has a child. The cute ones in a little zoo box with an elastic handle.

Yeah, like the mom who can have a great body with three kids. Just put one of those rugrats on your ankle and do squats while you chop up veggies and edit the latest corporate whatever.

Have you ever stayed late with these people? They order pizza or some other take-out. They stand around and yap with each other. They surf the internet. They don't really produce much. Sometimes I believe they are waiting for a suitable time (dark thirty) to hit the bars.

Off topic, but not really, somewhat loosely related observation about society and people who need kindness from strangers the most:

No, it does not. It makes him look like someone who deserves a glitter-bomb.

Fortenberry is an irritating little twat.

I wouldn't lay all of that thought at her feet. People who support the status quo will act like she hit a triple as well. That is how she can believe it.

No, those are bad soldiers. And if they were told to do it, then they were obedient soldiers. It was not up to Manning to join the service then betray the service. It was all for attention.

Manning is a traitor. And a traitor for attention, not even a cause.

Because southerns have to mean what others expect them to mean? Rude, not to mention one big paint brush.

Yeah, nothing is kinder than blatant insensitivity. #Videogamelifeforthewin.

Hey, I've said that about a pill before. And funny, I am most annoyed when I am working or in the middle of a project or a hobby and I begin to get the hungry headache and the shaky hands. It makes me so angry that I have to stop what I am doing to eat.

Yeah, I only bother with food because it keeps me alive. But, let me smell a rose and it is Heaven. I have some in my back garden, light purple ones with a sweet aroma, I break them off and hold the soft petals to my nose until I can no longer breathe. Don't get me started on Jasmine and Honeysuckle in the

It's called jail for a reason. There are rules.

This person is a traitor. I know that doesn't mean much anymore in a time of too much patriotism vs trying to not slip away into too much patriotism, but Manning is a traitor and should be treated as such. The gender thing is a red herring to divert from the fact that Manning is a traitor.