The Reformed Swan

It actually sort of makes her look fatter than she probably is.

You will never understand the need or meaning of cathartic or loss until it happens to you. NEVER. Losing a child, an adult child is something you cannot comprehend until it happens to you. You don't have a clue. As a mother whose adult daughter has died, I take solace in knowing that people like you will know

Fat and ugly women should know already, out of everyone, that they have to walk the line. Mama June done lost her got damn mind.

He sounds like a picky free-loader.

Don't you hate it when your device auto-corrects the second you have pressed send and you do not see the wrong-correction until it is disappearing?

There is no reason to be a jerk. I am sure she only wrote a fraction of her situation and how well it works or doesn't work. You are just being nasty jumping to the conclusion that you have reached. Did you get paid for being an asshole in your comment?

I tell my daughter all the time that she has to make her own money because my worse resentment in my life has been having to rely on her father (my husband) for money. Now, every waking hour is spent on seeking financial independence away from him.

That is so sad and horrible. I'm sorry. My daughter died last year at 31. So so sad. Again, I'm sorry.

Did you not read? I did remind her of the situation and I did own up to the responsibility of owing her by sending her the checks.

So I have a friend who I know for sure I charged $1200 on her credit card 22 years ago. I know, I'm so ashamed. I never paid it back because at the time I was leaving my husband. Mind you, I charged the money buying him a new wardrobe to find a job 1 year before. Each time I think I could pay her back, I couldn't.

I cut my grand-daughter's hair off. She wanted it short. She is cuter than a little lady bug.

Yeah it sucks having to begin in a hole that you yourself (the woman) did not dig but was put in before being met. He sounds like a real asshole..

I don't trust a word. More like he is a woman-hater (because you know, all of those women hate him Elliot Rogers style) and will make sure she gets Ebola. That will show the bitch. No and no.

OMG can you stupid people keep up with the conversation? Read my lips, HATING HER IS NOT IN ITSELF MISOGYNY. Comparing her to Voldemort and saying she is more evil, MORE EVIL than Voldemort is the misogyny. Are you really determine to be obtuse? In the wizarding world Voldemort and the threat of Voldemort is quite

I can see why, it is easier to make out that a woman is more evil than an obviously more evil man. Misogyny.

OMG are you that obtuse. Check yourself is not use to check privilege only. LOL! Are you for real. Check yourself is a polite way of asking you to look at how stupid you are being.

Perhaps June as a child was a victim? I don't know. I don't like for people to demand children to be taken away from their mother. And, I am suspicious of the media. However, if any of it is true, how can you allow someone back into your life who touched your children? It's just horrible. I've never watched the

Check yourself. I never said it was misogyny to hate Umbridge, I specifically focused on hating her more than Voldemort. She deserves to be hated. However, she is not worse than Voldemort. Once it is put on a scale of which one is worse and she becomes the clear winner of the hate-fest, an examination of why is

Exactly. She was so raped by those centaurs.

Sounds like Torres wanted it both ways, he wanted the benefits of being engaged but didn't want to actually be obligated. I'm glad he didn't get the ring back.