The Reformed Swan

Poor woman. Internalized misogyny is one hellva beast.

Most of my bosses have been female. I like them. I've had a male boss a few times and each time he was a prick who I wished would die. However, I am aware that perhaps there are good male bosses out there somewhere.

The footmen would tend to the waxing.

It was horrid.

That singing is horrible! Chanel 5 is fabulous because of how it smells. Divine.

Submit, submit, submit...........

Eviscerated by wild hounds. If you think anyone was eviscerated by wild hounds then you are beyond delicate little snowflake.

You mean she should quietly accept lazy and rude women dismissing her time and fuel?

Give yourself a gold star. Maybe they weren't rude and dismissive and instead helpful. Not having something can be forgiven if the person is not snippy about it. But, they do need to know for sure before they cost someone time and fuel.

Here is a winning comment from Youtube, which I suspect is the driving force behind most people's support for the salespeople who waste customer's time. Yep! Of course, it will never be admitted by the politically correct Jezzies. But Joe Cortez puts in a nutshell.

I would suspect it is not over candles exactly but over being rude and dismissive. I work hard for my money. It I decide to buy something, I don't give a damn if others think what I want is something to have passion over, if I decide to spend my money on something, I expect to be treated with respect. If I call and

You don't know that. It happens so much that it reeks of laziness. Someone said they had something without actually looking or listening to exactly what was being asked of them.

Anything other than being a tool that gives up my money without any expectations. If you don't value your labor no one else will.

How dare businesses disregard a person's time (and fuel) by saying they have something when they do not.

Only 8 comments in and already the customer is wrong. Customer service is a thing, believe it or not! Or it should be. We shouldn't be programmed to give up our money and expect minimum or below minimum product/service. Why are some people so quick to devalue their hard earn money?

It's the bread. I wish for one week in the United States no one ate bread, cereal, ————grains basically.

That crooked seam would drive me crazy.

There's a thought.

Martha is totally validating Gwyneth. I would've hope age and success brought more security, not less. Second-hand embarrassment for Martha.

And they all miss. lol.