The Reformed Swan

I'm aggressive? Stop being so needy and needing strangers to approve of your choice. No one attacked you or called you any names. You were the one who came onto my comment and tried to make me feel ashamed for having an opinion. Perhaps no one has ever stood up to your passive-aggressive bullying before. Maybe

Again, not having a dog is what I would do. I am not stopping people and advocating for laws to prevent dog ownership. I would not have a dog. Why are you so desperate to have the approval of strangers? I don't like your choice of having a dog. Your dog shit stinks. Your dog shit makes the walking/jogging/bike

Why are you so defensive? I never said no one should get a dog. I specifically said that I wouldn't ever have a dog and that I didnt' like the smell of dog shit. Again, why are you so defensive? What are you afraid of? Are you scared that there may not be any more dogs and you may actually have to interact with

Again, cats and dogs are the same as children.

Nice. I have two daughters and three grandchildren. The three grandchildren live with me because my adult daughter passed away. When I walk along community paths for a breath of fresh air and exercise the smell of dog shit is an unnecessary buzz kill. A dog and a cat is most certainly too much of a commitment.

I read an article recently that asserted that bigger dog ownership has fallen to the wayside. Probably because of the increase effort and more space required by bigger dogs. People live closer and closer together with less land. Homes are sold without even a 1/4 of a acre. When I ride my bicycle I see all the

The only way I will ever own a dog or cat again is if I had a ton of land with a barn that I could let a dog/cat come and go on its own and find its own rabbit or mouse to eat. Picking up dog poop and having to come home to feed............too much commitment.

That's my point, the contradicting extremes and the inconsistencies that seem to be the guiding hand on "How I've would've done it better because!" The bottom line, the person in the story is wrong and horrible and the person commenting is good and knows the proper behavior/answer/reaction/conclusion/instruction/etc.

Blah blah blah, the comment section of most everywhere on the internet is filled with how someone else would do something better than whoever is doing anything. We have all turned into sanctimonious perfectionists jumping in at the slightest opportunity to assert how we would've done it better, more PC, less PC, more

So many people should be teachers and show those teachers exactly how to do it all right.

In other news there is a drought happening in California. Look at how dry this grass is in the local park:

That in effect was love."

Because you will meet them, bond, and then never call them again like most everyone else in Los Angeles. It is in the very fiber of Los Angeles not to commit to anyone or anything.

The article states "allegedly."

Any proof yet?

This story is trying too hard to be a scandal. I see nothing here.

If half of the people who brag about eating kale actually ate kale as often as they claim to, our obesity rate would drop 40%. I just pulled that stat out of my butt.

She likes it. It's Chanel you know.