No Code? Really? That album’s considered by many Pearl Jam fans, me included, to be their best.
No Code? Really? That album’s considered by many Pearl Jam fans, me included, to be their best.
Cars 2 is terrible. My 4 year old daughter won’t even watch it through to the end.
“And those that deliver crap will be weeded out fairly quickly.”
Are you posting here from the 80's or early 90's?
It’s a bad move to outright replace the 3DS with the Switch. Are parents going to buy a Switch for their kids and let them carry it around as freely as a 3DS? I know I won’t.
It’s referring to the color of the included Joy-Con controllers.
It’s referring to the color of the included Joy-Con controllers.
Will there be a mini game to find which of the girls are ovulating, by smell alone?
Does Nintendo actually want to make boatloads of money this time and actually ship a meaningful amount of units?
I completely agree! I’m also finding that I have a much more difficult time when playing the game without motion controls. After playing for 3 - 4 hours, I still can’t figure out how to properly control the arms with the thumbstick. I don’t have the same problem with mention controls, or at least not as much of a…
Holy crap! That’s quite the statistic!
Holy crap! That’s quite the statistic!
I’m shocked Just Dance 2017 is still so expensive on the Switch. Not only does it not seem to be selling well (or so I’ve been told by 2 managers at EB Games), it’s also significantly more expensive than on other platforms.
I’m shocked Just Dance 2017 is still so expensive on the Switch. Not only does it not seem to be selling well (or…
Everything written on the internet is true, so .....
It’s odd though, since they do have other cross platform play titles on the platform. Just look at all the drunk rage videos from Star Trek: Bridge Crew. That game’s rated E10+, so there could be fairly young kids playing that as well.
I want to hug everyone at Nintendo right about now! Such a great showing this afternoon!
I really hope’s not the case that Forza 7 scared them from showing more of the game today. I’m not the biggest Forza fan (I’m a huge fan of Horizons though), but 7 looks fantastic. Hopefully it plays as good as it looks.
Yup. You can sign up to be notified when the physical copy goes on sale.
I was really happy with what Sony showed today. Sure, it wasn’t all new stuff, but I really liked what I saw.
I am so ridiculously excited for this game! I didn’t doubt Insomniac could pull it off, but what they showed completely exceeded my expectations. What a great way to end the Sony E3 conference!
I spent the entire trailer staring at my TV while constantly repeating “nope”. There’s absolutely no way I’ll be able to play this in VR. I have a hard enough time dealing with the robots in Raw Data coming after me. This is just going to be terrifying.
I love the original, but I’ll be waiting until all the episodes are available (preferably on a physical release) before playing this. I played the original over the course of 3 days and it was a great experience. I’d prefer not to have to wait significant periods of time to play the next part of the story.