Fitting, as Trump, MAGA, NFTs, crypto and Libertarians are all a friggen scam anyway.
Fitting, as Trump, MAGA, NFTs, crypto and Libertarians are all a friggen scam anyway.
Yeah, think I’m gonna skip the bear meat. Deer, ok, bear, naaa...
Meh, this movie just screams “looks at me” and brings little to the table, somehow not even what a realistic new civil war would be like, instead, going for Michael Bay style attention.
Who dives into the water with something the size of a small truck that’s been literally known to kill people?
Having played and completed the main story, it was decent. The main downsides were the gameplay was pretty repetitive, with you literally punching out hoards of identical enemies. That and I wish the first person car combat worked better, but in third person, it’s quite good. Oh, and there’s a very difficult and…
Not the biggest fan of the front, what with the giant jowls, but not bad.
I just rewatched all these followed by the newest one. This is still a classic, even though it has a couple of cheesy farfetched moments that strain the suspension of disbelief. Still good, unlike CS, god, it’s still by far the worst, especially the second half.
“SpaceX is currently testing Raptor 2 engines, which feature improved performance, higher efficiency, and greater reliability”
It kind of reminds me of the Kia Soul, but giant and dumb.
Automakers: I’ll cost too much!
Gee shocking...
And yet, all these f*cks that worked for him and got burned by him and fired, still support him and say they’d vote for him again, because...reasons...
Good. Musk can sell Twitter now and we can all go back to normal.
“Another major factor is that cars traveling on battery power are much quieter than gas or diesel vehicles”
Just stop using this crap. Seriously. Use Bluesky or anything else, if you have to.
So Scammy McScammerface has gone full scam circle and is now involved in the crypto scam. Surprised it took this long. I guess being desperate for defense attorney fees will do it.
At 98%, you wouldn’t even make it a year without dying.
The entire truck is on big design flaw.
This was just another stupid and unneeded “feature” anyway.