
agreed, 100%. he would have been the perfect walking dude.

Personally, I’m quite entertainingly horrified by the thought of Pennywise and Flagg being siblings. Makes a certain kind of sense.

If the excess is going to waste anyhow, you could always make a trash-panda bloody mary.

Hey all. Just wanted to drop in here and give a very sincere thank you to everyone who’s read the piece and everyone who’s commented below. I had to kind of talk myself into writing this, for a number of reasons, but I’m glad I did, and I’m deeply moved by the responses here—by those of you sharing your own

You are perfect in your purple tee and don’t let anybody tell you different.

It is an internet crime for this article to not have a photo. 

Chico stick!

I know. Hell, I knew at the time. Tell it to the people who draw up the catch-22 that is being sick as an American worker, then throw in the fact that the person with the responsibility not to contaminate others was homeless and had been for several weeks and was seeing his chance, at last, to get off the street.

I encourage you to be careful with your phrasing. Saying that there’s a “choice to wallow” in a role can sound judgy and I am assuming that’s not your intent. I’m a psychologist who studies sexual offenses and work extensively with both offenders and survivors, so I’ll try to answer your question from that perspective.

I will watch Amy Adams drive,
I will watch Amy Adams drink,
I will watch a needless subplot involving Amy Adams standing around looking dazzling.

No true Inspector Spacetime fan talks about the American Inspector Spacetime, or the female one.

Luke Perry was kind of like the Brad Pitt of television for me, in that he was a character actor with a leading man’s looks. He was in SO MUCH weird genre stuff, but good in most of it. He kind of had a fun, anything goes presence in whatever he did that was really infectious.

unintentionally damning asides like a joke about how the Hays code banned depictions of “white slavery (but other kinds of slavery were cool),” implying that O’Meara is not aware that “white slavery” is an early-20th-century term for what’s now referred to as sex trafficking

Now playing

Luke Perry also played a David Koresh style cult leader in Criminal Minds s04 e03 Minimal Loss.

Leaving aside the fact that one of the people he targeted was fucking 14, lines like:

She never played another gig.”

AND (from a different person)

“We should respect the privacy of a 40-year-old man having phone sex with a 14-year-old girl” is certainly an interesting take!

Picked up Black Leopard, Red Wolf a few days ago and absolutely love it. The world, characters, and style of storytelling are all so unique to fantasy and it’s so refreshing to get out of the euro-centric space for anything in that genre. I read A Brief History of Seven Killings last year and instantly became a fan of

So it can join Jaws & the Godfather in the short list of novels improved by their film adaptations.

RIP baby girl.