
This is how I’ve felt about every single Tori Amos album since maybe 1998. For all of their faults and meh reviews, I always buy them. Even if I don’t particularly like them myself. It’s like an illness.

I’m black you dumbass

I agree that Serena Joy and Fred (the commander) look young, but part of that is because in my head they look like Faye Dunaway and Robert Duvall, who were older when they made the movie.

“Better never means better for everyone,”

Love her character, face and Lady Edith coiffure.

Alternatives thread.

I’m incredibly old, and I remember well that my friends and I watched American Bandstand religiously (mostly on my best friend’s TV, which was a huge, clumsy, black-and-white cabinet set, an RCA if I’m remembering correctly—this was back in the day, when TV stations signed off late at night and came back on with the

princess valhalla hawkwind would not have clapped also.

And Jujyfruits! Bless them, same font. Dots have updated fonts (but bless them, still taste the same).

Cult Chalupa, it is a cult.

But you know which story sounded eerily similar to this whole Tinder/odd/a little ‘off’/date, it was from Look_for_the_Nines

there was one about a guy who had a date with someone on grindr/craiglist, and ended up being taken to a model home where the guy went down to the basement and starting tinkering with something metallic. Pretty creepy...

Did someone not share something like this in the annual scary stories post? I swear I’ve read something similar... Definitely didn’t hear about it personally, though.

Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.

I legit just tweeted this, but I feel I have to reiterate this here too-

No one is trying to paint you as anything. Other commenters are talking like this because using a coat hanger for this purpose was incredibly common before Roe v. Wade. It’s almost a stereotype.