
I think I really like that this show doesn't concern itself to desperately tie itself into one of the Marvel Universes. By that, I mean it seems to be most focused on just the characters, and not the entire world as a whole with society and mutants. It's a little refreshing from the other Marvel shows where they drop

Looks like Westworld ended its season the way I enjoy endings. Always leave the audience wanting more.

I think I recall seeing on this site, where one reviewer commented that Flash is at its best when it is having fun. Well, he's right and this whole drama shtick with Flashpoint is starting to make it unwatchable. Writers need to drop the drama, raise the fun, move on already. Clearly the whole Barry telling the whole

Wally will probably become the Daniel West version of the Arrowverse.

The movie is great, so long as you haven't read the book. It's good if you can watch the movie without comparing because as a horror movie on its own, Kubrick's The Shining is great. Designed only to scare, which works. I would not suggest watching the movie immediately after reading the novel because one can be very