
Or there would have, and it would have been super awkward! Maybe Ringo could have written "Another Octopus's Garden" to diffuse some of the tension.

On the other hand, I prefer to blame "Hello Goodbye," "Let 'Em In," and "Bip Bop" on William Campbell.

Yeah that's what's happening.

Depends on if anyone traveled there with you.

Not "Al The Polkas?"

Best part about the actual Twine Ball? All the stuff he sings about is there - it's under a makeshift pagoda, there's a Twine Ball Inn, the gift shop sells postcards that say "Greetings From The Twine Ball, Wish You Were Here!"

It doesn't get much creepier than "Good Old Days."

There's this one moment in "Mission Statement" that always cracks me up - the way he sings the word "functionality," where he just kinda drops the last syllable ("FUNCTIONAAAAAAALI-t"), it's something Crosby Stills & Nash would do all the time. It would have worked just fine if he hadn't done that, but that level of

Is this fun for you?

"Jackson Park Express" is a style parody of. . . oh shit, someone already said this. Carry on.

I thought about that when I was writing my reply, but then I thought, "Ah fuck it, no one's gonna mention SMiLE actually came out in '04." My point is, never underestimate the AV Club.

You'll be disappointed, it's in the middle of absolute nowhere.

The funny thing is, Running With Scissors came out at the very time most people lose interest in Weird Al - I was 18. I still liked it fine, but my own opinion is he went through something of a slump between Off The Deep End and Straight Outta Lynwood. It's probably not true, it's just I didn't care as much when I was

Even Worse. First cassette I ever owned. I was 7.

I'm still waiting for that "Me, Myself and I" record.

Heh, "Toothless People." Not one of his stronger parodies.

I'd say "Skipper Dan" is an actual original. It's also one of his greatest songs, in my opinion.

"Pancreas" is a style parody of the work Brian Wilson was doing in the late 60's, the Smile era. It has next to no relation to "Kokomo," other than both are Beach Boys facsimiles.

I can only imagine what watching Home Alone 2 must've felt like.

I agree with you, although to be fair, Batman Forever doesn't really hold up. But had Batman & Robin not come along, I think its reputation would be a lot better.