
Featuring Eric Roberts, it's gonna be great!

Maybe. . . but he did his damndest to get Kerry elected in '04 and that didn't work. Dubya wasn't nearly as dangerous a candidate as Trump, but I really think for all we preach about him, Stewart's influence on the general voting public remains pretty limited.

"Imma let you sue. . ."

Oh, if it's just her ribs he was touching, then that's perfectly okay. . .

First time I heard "Roll To Me," I thought holy shit, the Counting Crows guy actually wrote a melody for once!

Lies. There's only one good doot-doot-doo song, and everyone knows it's Tal Bachmann's "She's So High."

Whatever makes you happy, man.

Generally yes, although "12 Golden Country Greats" is the Ween album I listen to the least.

"Apologies to Ween fans. . . of which I'm not one. . . you know what, this isn't enough, I'm gonna throw out a misleading summary of this record and see how many people get pissed off. This is Ween, it's gonna piss them off." Hey to his credit, it worked!

This song was huge when I was a junior in high school. I have no idea if it's good or if it's bad, there are arguments for both - it just reminds me of a really fun time in my life and every time I hear it, it makes me smile. And it's pretty cool that the guys in the band totally own it, and still enjoy it for what it

I'm pretty sure Steve wrote it back in 2010. . . and that makes me feel even older. Hands down one of the best series the AV Club ever ran.

Adults can enjoy cheesy pop music wherever they damn well please. It's one of the cool things about actually growing up, you realize taste is subjective and it doesn't matter if others hate what you like. You're still allowed to like it, and listen to it.

He eats a lot of yogurt.

If memory serves me, the middle verse is sung through a Speak And Spell.

Is that really a fair comparison? Beck struck me as someone who was deliberately spouting nonsense, but legitimately doing so to be artistic. I really doubt that's what the guys in Sugar Ray were trying to do. Not to mention, when Beck actually did start making more sense, we got Sea Change, which is a damn fine

In fairness, maybe "Buckingham Green" and "Waving My Dick In The Wind" would make fantastic sea shanties.

Yeah fine, I'm that guy - "The Mullosk" is fucking awesome.

Erm, didn't this come out in '99?

"Carolina Blues" is as good as anything on 'Four.'

Or how bout that day in 1964, when Revolver, Abbey Road, The White Album and Gone Troppo were all released?