
dont call it a comeback

ive been here for years.

dont forget DayZ. sadly, not the only game in beta for so long that its gone up in price while most games tend to drop as years go on

ive been jsut lopping off one of my kids tiny hands and sitting meat on top of the back

i always figured it was barbie that was ruining women

an animal hoarding workaholic who supposedly has “parents” but you never see them. only all of barbis “siblings” and “cousins”

so either barbie and “teen skipper” are whorish orphans or theyre shitty children who never talk to their parents

nd whatever DID happen to

i rank flying coach up there with getting a room in a hotel without any room service or pool.
i want to enjoy my trip just as much as i want to enjoy my destination

he-man and prince adam are totally not the same person. theyre a gay couple where one of them is clearly the wife in the relationship.

the real reason nobody ever sees them together isnt because theyre the same person, its because one of them always has to be home to raise their gay adoption shame baby

prince adam and

Now playing

step 1 :: pay them.
step 2 :: dont buy stuff you cannot afford.
step 3 :: there is no step 3.

time to play kill marry fuck

thats the ugliest upholstery ive ever seen

JCPenny - never a good day to shop there

i can think of few situations myself where i have no bag with me, but i have access to either a USB charging point or a battery pack

so having a bag or not is typically a moot point

have a way to charge something [ie a power brick or a laptop] + probably have a bag = probably have room in there somewhere for a usb

i can think of few situations myself where i have no bag with me, but i have access to either a USB charging point

considering this isnt a deal or sale of any kind in fact its rather overpriced for what youre getting, shouldnt this have an “ADVERTISEMENT” tag?

considering this isnt a deal or sale of any kind in fact its rather overpriced for what youre getting, shouldnt this

i just slice them about 1/4 inch thick and toss em in with my caps.
usually i sautee them both with a splash of port and some shallots or sweet sweet onions

not a joke. i cycle around 6-10 hours per day. the stuff i made on my own lasted TWO DAYS!! with NO odor

recipe ::

not a joke. i cycle around 6-10 hours per day. the stuff i made on my own lasted TWO DAYS!! with NO odor


i grew up with the 2600 then coleco and then the NES.

contra was fucking easy. i dont think any of my friends had a problem playing it. different techniques for gaming i guess. arcade style is way way way different than modern games.

i think both have their pros and cons and love em both

i already have my third 10” tablet and a kindle paperwhite. im looking into getting a 7” tablet though in the near future.

the fire seems too crippled for my wants though. and ive read that the current gen of the nexus7 is total shit. any suggestions on a decent 7” tablet?

my current 10” is a galaxy note 10.1 2014, so

i already have my third 10” tablet and a kindle paperwhite. im looking into getting a 7” tablet though in the near

and if my plates are current and if i have insurance or a valid licsence

sigh. i better go get me a bus map

vid not loading for me
oh well, guess ill go watch real porn instead

great! another thing ill have to decide on whether or not to try. ill never be a good leader dammit!