bet the scammers are copyright sharks that some of the industry employ. theyve been known to use less than legal methods
bet the scammers are copyright sharks that some of the industry employ. theyve been known to use less than legal methods
i can and have cut through a 1/2” plastic sheathed twisted steel cable in under 45 seconds using only a bic lighter and a pair of nail clippers
the next 15 is spent taking your front and rear lights, bike computer and whatever else you were too lazy to remove from their quick releases
if i really want i can also take…
i did post an item i’d take
AND useless sarcasm
yet another fun filled bonus brought to you by tralfaz inc.
what the hell is the deal lately with the various tech powers that be trying to cram shit we dont wanna eat down our throats
when you say “nasa” did you add that extra ‘A’ on accident?
so your number one thing to bring is more than one thing
my navigator [aka my g/f]
weve driven over 100,000 miles together on every adventure you can imagine
protip: if you like roadtrips and your significant other hates them, youre going to both have a really unenjoyable relationship
sucks that that levi’s code was only good for like 8 hours
sucks that that levi’s code was only good for like 8 hours
sounds like someone is upset and could use the love that can only come from getting another cat
i have a standing Rx for vicodin and zanaflex. i dont even bother with OTC anymore
mind you it does little for entertainment.
coming soon to your town
mongolian bbq at its finest. the iron panda.
most others with his record would spend the next year or so in jail
i bet he doesnt even do one day
im just curious to see how disney is going to family-friendlyize a jailbait witch having sex with a robot in the next film
clinically. its what cosmetic companies call animals now
i kno rite? thanx eric! thanx a whole lot for reminding me that my parents killed themselves the day i was born and the people who adopted me kicked me out when i was 14
oh! that and that my girlfriend “would” be here going off on me except shes busy cheating on me
lifehack achieved!
just think of how great it will be to hear your girlfriend and parents all cutting you down to the useless waste that you are
so what im understanding is that i should demand a refund for buying megaman x2 becuse it was basically the exact same game as megaman x
who the hell in their right mind pays that much for 6 razor heads?
seriously man.... use a safety razor and use the money you save to buy a house
who the hell in their right mind pays that much for 6 razor heads?
seriously man.... use a safety razor and use the…
what happens when steam goes out of business