im still holdin out for the goat simulator MMO
im still holdin out for the goat simulator MMO
oh thats just cuz shes off having a gangbang with the west coast avengers
pretty sure its coming to disney on ice too
backpack, messenger bag, satchel, sling, gun range bag
theres lots of crap you can use without looking too much like a little girl in a pretty dress
of course, my preferred mode of item carrying is a bandolier with a satchel like chewfuckinbacca
surely a goat on a naval vessel, which is federal territory, isnt subject to california agriculture laws
gotta say, compared to the bacon package, all of these submissions suck
well when you ejaculate through someones torso they tend to stop wanting to hang out with you
i go with whichever one puts out
most importantly you wont look like an ass
i wonder if anyone is ever going to show us their workspace WITHOUT cleaning it first
would any major illnesses be considered trigger events? like thyroid cancer?
odd. i get more excited over electronics.
but i also have nearly everything i could possibly want for my kitchen already. [mind you, i do get excited over things i dont have yet that i “need”]
odd. i get more excited over electronics.
but i also have nearly everything i could possibly want for my kitchen…
i got a MUCH better one for around $20 made by wearever over 10 years ago (they still make them BTW and for around the same price)
you can get them at walmart and im guessing anywhere else that sells wearever pots & pans.
i got a MUCH better one for around $20 made by wearever over 10 years ago (they still make them BTW and for around…
Hi doc.
my entire life ive been allergic-reaction free.
i grew up all over the place, including the midwest. around the age of 40 i moved back to the midwest to a city i had never lived in before. shortly after moving here, my eyes started getting raw and hated me and my nose dripped way too much.
ive lived in the…
i hear tell they used to have a nevada fetish
you can apply this to how not to get your bike stolen too.
i learned how to steal a bike and anything on it to make mine as theft-proof as possible
doesnt matter in some cities anyway. im white and got locked out of my house once. long story short i know what a gun to the back of my head feels like.
i have been using and still do use these job and interview tips you post to apply to dating
carrots and god knows what those leaves are pizza?
i’d make it but since i wont eat it, theres no need
brought to you by the paid app institute errrr uhhh by universities