
This! I took my husbands last name (because my last name had 5 syllables and no one ever pronounced it right) and I have never had to stop justifying it to my “feminist” friends. Fuck off. My husband is a doll who supports my politics, makes me food and I have never had to ask him to do any cleaning and he schedules

I have a lot of issues with “choice feminism,” and I don’t think that my choice to take my husband’s name is a feminist choice just because a feminist made it, but I felt a lot of guilt because I wanted do make that choice anyway.

If I’m going to go through pregnancy and labor, then the product of said pregnancy and labor is going to have my name.

Sounds like you should keep your name.

Well, YEAH. Those things are not feminist. What’s the problem? I don’t think feminists (note: I self-identify as a feminist) are required to make the “feminist” choice at every conceivable moment or else lose their cred, because, as you point out, that would be exhausting, and impossible, and sometimes what the

Oh hi, me. I didn’t realize we split into two separate entities. :P

I would change your name and just not tell them. I feel like things like this only become an issue when the person with the changed (or not changed, as the case may be) name corrects people who address correspondence to the wrong name. I can’t imagine they use your last name in direct conversation, so the subject

I don’t really plan on getting married and having kids at this point, but hypothetically, I would want to both keep my name and pass it down to my children. If I’m going to go through pregnancy and labor, then the product of said pregnancy and labor is going to have my name. Hypothetical Husband can hop on board or

I’m getting married next fall and still haven’t made up my mind about the name thing. He rejected the idea of just taking my name as quickly as I rejected the idea of just taking his name. He also can’t take on a new, unique family name because he’s the only son so it would break his father’s heart (apparently). So

I took my husband’s name when I got married and it wasn’t taking his name that bothered me, it was the fucking PROCESS I had to go through to get my name changed.

You don’t think that all those things are part of a patriarchal system that defines femininity and polices how women should look?

So making your own decision is the non feminist choice? Fucking Christ.

And before someone points out that my last name is just my dad’s, I say that the cycle of male-dominated monikers has to stop somewhere.)

Howzabout everyone get the right to choose, vis a vis surnames after marriage? I took my ex’s name, something I sorely regret and which enrages him to this day (because who wants their ex carrying their name when they hate their ex so much?). If I had really thought about it I would have kept my original name, which

I’ve been married for 9 years and we each kept our own names, but now we’re trying to have a baby and my husband is talking a big game about switching his last name to mine and giving it to the kids. We’re having trouble producing these hypothetical kids and also he’s not great with paperwork so WE’LL SEE, but if it

Feminists make non-feminist choices every single day, though. I shave my legs and put on makeup and wear dresses and do all the laundry and the majority of the cooking. I wore white and danced with my father at my wedding. My husband proposed to me with a diamond engagement ring, and yes, I took his last name. I do

Also sending a prayer to the blog gods that this doesn’t get cross-posted to Gawker.

Leslie Jones is Bad. Ass.

We got married last year and my husband took my last name. It’s so freaking awesome. We can weed out a lot of closeted bigots by their reaction, and gain quick friends who think it is awesome too. Such a simple act that speaks volumes about what we value.

Everyone should just take whichever is the superior last name (let’s be honest, there almost always is one). Then we will phase out all of the lame surnames and America will be great again.