
I feel so angry at myself that my first impulse is to be furious with the guy. Intellectually (and from personal experience) I know that suicide is a complicated issue and when you’re hurting that much you honestly believe it’s the best/only choice. But right now I can’t think any charitable thoughts towards him, I’m

Thank you, I will. Thank you for sharing wisdom in your grief, you are a nice person.

Tell me someone ate the candy and wrecked her stupid illustration??

You said it all.

My friends husband just took his own life 1 week before she is due to have their first baby, leaving her devastated, unemployed, and facing an uncertain future as a single parent. I’m usually very compassionate for people suffering from pain and depression but right now all I can see is that it is a selfish selfish

Still a damn good story though!

Do yourself a favour and don't ever do a google image search on placenta.

If they’re also the anti marriage equality crowd too can I please reiterate that AUSTRALIA DOESNT WANT THEM.

I ghost due to anxiety. You just decide what's healthiest for you and do your best to let go of guilt around your decision. I've hidden people on fb so it doesn't trigger my anxiety, it's part of being protective of myself. If you want to explain to people, you can do that, but if you genuinely can't, then make that

Sandpaper is bad, but may I contend that the stuff that is basically grease proof paper and does NOTHING to soak up any of anything, is worse.

I hear you. I had to move to a different country to find a town that had both houses we could afford and jobs that would support a realistic mortgage. While searching, I became an absolute obsessive in reading DIY renovation blogs online. These people make it look so easy! It really helped me be able to see the

Or people with access to a huge double hammock slung between two pine trees at a private beach. I mean, just throwing ideas out there...

My mother in law is so anti-feminism that it astounds me. I don't understand any of this.

Oh God thank you for saying that pregnancy isn’t always a walk in the park. I’m 35 weeks right now, and into my 31st week of morning sickness. I’m big as a whale, constantly breathless, on so many pills, exhausted all the time, but if I say this to anyone? They say “You’re PREGNANT! Relax! You’re blooming!” Fuck off,

Hope I’m not speaking out of line, but I had irregular periods which made conceiving really tricky. I bought a TON of ovulation tests on eBay and followed the ‘sperm meets egg’ plan and that worked for me. Good luck with your journey x

Is not a major city though, that’s the problem. York is a town really, but with a high concentration of small pubs. The groups mostly stagger through the narrow streets from pub to pub, walking on the roads, being belligerent... it’s like one or two groups would be funny but the amount that there are really does turn

BUT it is so fun to sit at the railway station and watch the fancy dress groups! And take bets on which girls will fall off their skyscraper heels first (seriously how do they walk in those??).

Im with you. My heart just can't take this news. Let's ignore it.

Are you the dad??

Ugh that's CLASSIC Keith.