
We’re mostly talking about the kids though. We don't move on to actually being *friends* friends for a lot longer.

I did the same thing 18 months ago. Moved to a new country with a toddler. I've met fabulous friends through playgroups, have you found some good groups? It's SO nice when a friendship deepens enough so that you can meet up without the kids.

I’m just impressed that she got a matching dressing gown to her hospital robe!

That is incredibly generous! How is your friends mother doing now?

Yes! I just moved to a new area and when people come for a visit, be it lunch, dinner, coffee, WHATEVER, they *always* bring flowers. I love it! (Although I’m not always great at remembering to reciprocate yet!) I love having something colourful in the house, it lifts my spirits. I’m planning a party this weekend and

Gorgeous. Both sound gorgeous! Last year when I was flat stony broke and living in an ugly bare apartment I used to cut English lavender from the huge hedges by my house and put it in big pasta sauce jars everywhere. The scent was so lovely and calming.

I do that too! And on her birthday. And on the card I write “from your FAVOURITE child.” Just so she knows who it's from ;-)

You brute!!

NEVER underestimate those fucking pregnancy hormones!

Your gif game is super strong. 10/10.

Ohh I know. I regularly go down a YouTube journey watching those videos and get so sad. And happy. Happysad. Many tears.

What about those videos of dogs getting excited when their owner returns from the army? Or the army parents surprising their kids? Those are a 100% certain crying forecast for me.

It seems to be very important to you that I feel bad about what I said and how I feel. You’re psychoanalysing me on the basis of a throwaway internet comment on an article about ‘its not cool for others to steal the limelight on a big day for you’. Is this a good use for our time? Maybe it is, maybe not. I like your

Ooh I love Liane Moriarty! I’m going to go grab that for my kindle right now. Thanks for the recommendation!

I’m laughing so hard thinking about teachers receiving festively wrapped wholesale sized boxes of tampons!

It does sound crazy doesn’t it! But that’s the whole point of the article here though. There are some days where you just get to say, this is about me. And after a billion hour labour and a 9 month vom-fest pregnancy, I felt like there could be a bit more “Well done you!” instead of ‘He doesn’t look like you AT ALL.’

Since I had my baby (after a disastrous pregnancy and labour), I never even tell new mothers that their child looks like the dad! I had everyone, EVERYONE, saying how much my baby looked like my husb, and I was more and more indignant. Like, talk to me about MY fucking achievement here folks, he just held my hand!!

Is it ever necessary to be a smart ass? No. But sometimes is it really really satisfying? YESSSSSSSS.

Do an introductory special on a comment guaranteed to get you out of the greys and you’ve got a valid business right there.

Ahhh I have a family member who is married to someone who falls for EVERYTHING. Worst part is that he is actually a pretty intelligent guy, but incredibly gullible when it comes to scams. I think part of it is a huge streak of arrogance combined with insecurity, that scam companies totally play on, and he totally