
Sounds legit.

Looks about right to me!

OH GOD. So glad you got out of there.

Thank you for saying that those people should be smacked. I'm having such a pity party for myself and I know they're trying to be helpful but HONESTLY it's the number one tip for morning sickness, do they really think I haven't heard it? The rage is real.

I am suffering, SUFFERING, from terrible morning sickness. I have a condition that makes it worse, it can be partly managed by medication but not entirely. It's worse right now though, I live in a foreign country and 11 of my wonderful family members have flown to visit me but I can't go out with them to show them my

I could come to your house and eat his dinner if you like?

Wow. Can I join you next year?

I have never eaten a pumpkin seed again.

Well put. Since I became a parent that story has horrified me. This story (Leelah) is really sad. Her parents failed her. This isn't the place to be debating bible stories really, I just get rankled by generalisations so responded.

I never ever ever should comment on religion. I never ever should. But just this once, I have to say, that there are jerks everywhere, and there are idiots everywhere, and those idiot jerks will use whatever justification they have to keep on being idiot jerks. These parents believed their religion gave them a reason

I'm not defending these parents one iota, but I often wonder how hard it must be for parents when children want to change their identity so drastically. I don't think I'm using the right words here, but I'm not meaning to offend. When I was 16 I decided I wanted to change my first name, but my parents said that was

Fuck her, definitely, but let's not consign the whole religion to be fucked too please. We are not all jerks, you just mostly hear from the jerks.

Uh greed. I love Bollywood films. I even go as far as learning the songs in Hindi so I can sing along. But I am painfully aware that I am an awkward white girl who will never be Indian and thus my wailing will never be for any larger audience than my poor child who is strapped into his car seat and has to listen to

(Sorry, I just watched Spice World again.)

I'm prochoice, absolutely prochoice. And I don't think that this means we shouldn't be able to say that it is a traumatising event for a lot of women. In my opinion this is a good place to be ramping up sex education and birth control availability. Like it's fine to say yes it is our choice to make, but let's be aware

Punctuation is the best, don't deny it. Once I saw one of my fave singers perform live and she admitted that her favourite song she'd written had both a comma and a question mark in the title.


Boooooo I liked Kaley but now I am disappointed with her and have to unfollow her on Instagram. It's not much, but it's the most I can do to express my displeasure. Well, that, and commenting on here which I'M SURE WILL TEACH HER A LESSON.

Is this why you have the . after your name now? Cunning.

OOH I loved that one. Good call.