
I'll be nice when you start being bubbly dammit is that too much to ask?

Protip: spike the punch to ensure some really good stories.

Pregnant woman empathy. When I was heavily preggers with my first I went straight to the front of every toilet queue, bus queue, any bloody queue actually. The only people who ever raised eyebrows at me were 21year olds and old people. Old trumps pregnant, apparently, and the 21 year olds were all still in the "what

Woah surprise twist ending.

Well that is just dastardly behaviour.

I like you.

Hard hitting questions right there.

I don't know, fact checking dog poop stories could be a real niche market for you.

My sister lives in Kenya and can give me virtual side-eye just by the length of time it takes to respond to my WhatsApp message. I see the blue tick, I know she's read my message, she doesn't respond, I FEEL THE DISDAIN.

Wow, side-eye by email?? She is a master INDEED.

AGREED. Swanning off to Europe with Aunt March when we ALL KNEW that Jo should have gone on that trip! Oh and the book burning scene... still makes me angry to this DAY!

I am disappointed in Jo, but I love her too much to blame her.

Did you quote that from memory or did you look it up? Big respect if it was from memory! I have memorised long parts of that book just from reading it so many times. Possibly a misspent youth.

I was named after a character from the book, I read it first when I was 8. I think this might have coloured my opinion of it though, I have read it since but I still always have that feeling of "It's not faaaaaaiiiirrrrr" when Amy the spoiled brat gets everything she wants. My mum named me from the book because she

She was being headstrong and impulsive. But she still loved him. SHE LOVED HIM I SAY. And then she had to settle for old Prof Bear and it just wasn't a good ending. I used to blame Amy. Now I blame Laurie. I call this personal growth.

BAH one eyelash flutter from that spoiled brat Amy and he abandoned his soulmate Jo. I HAVE NO TIME FOR LAURIE.

Interesting points. I may be naive but I struggle to believe that people really play games like this.

Ladies whose genetics make their bodies long and lean, who then apparently spend three months on a combination of liquid diets and fasting.

Oh man. My family think my heavy hints to get me that book are JOKES. Your family are ace.

That is my FAVOURITE part of this whole diatribe of crazy.