Are you perhaps Adultosaur?
Are you perhaps Adultosaur?
I love a good hate read. I hope that doesn't make me a terrible person.
Have any of the actors from 7th Heaven commented? I hope they were all okay and not involved in this. There was a similar story about an Aussie show a while back where the actor who played the youngest daughter made allegations that the dad actor had molested her and it was just an open secret on the set that you…
You said it all right there.
Woo! Researcher celeb status attained!
I just said this above! It leads to a sad, disappointing realisation. I think if I ever met her there would be a sad awkward moment where I was still waiting for someone to give me a Ferrero Roche!
I always think Ferrero Rocher then get disappointed.
I'm grey so apparently I can't reply directly to Mark (or maybe because I'm using Flipboard), but I came here to say the same thing. Mark please be the smart person we want you to be and don't post shit like this. We have enough places in our day to hear women being misquoted and/or torn down, please don't make Jez…
Ugh. Patronising Brits. I'm an Aussie living in England and if I had a £ for every time someone said to me "Oh that's so AMERICAN" while politely rolling their eyes, I would have a lot of £s. Condescending as fuck.
HUGE smack and at least ten minutes each on the naughty step.
That's not grumpy, that's ANGST.
I read a LOT of science fiction when I was a kid. I kind of half believe a lot of crazy shit. I think the craziest is this background belief that one day when time travel is invented people will be able to view back into the past with tiny wormholes, and probably my great-great-grandchildren are watching me right…
That's classic Kelly though.
I always worried that Reepicheep might not like me when I met him.
What a jerk.
I cried in so many change rooms! You are not alone in your embarrassment friend.
Medium sized shapeless stretchy shit fits me perfectly. At last, it's my time!
OH COME NOW, there's only so much I can take at once.
Why do you deal with graffiti? And can you read any of it, is it creative or illegible?
Twist ending to a romcom/horror film. I would watch the SHIT out of this.