
If I read any more the rage will build and I'll go all Hulk smashy.

Huh. Must be ethnic.



So rarely do people get the good smiting they deserve.


Nope. Am I?


That is damn good parenting right there.

You said it sister. It's awful all the way down. I am absolutely hanging for some good news, but it's like - how could any good news outweigh the horrible things that have happened this week?

Ha! Me too. In amongst the horrible news of these riots, the awful Jez gif invasion, the murders in Iraq, and a hundred other gruesome things I've seen on the news this week, I must admit that I feel guilty worrying about being A Gray again, and yet there it is. The firstest of #firstworldproblems.

You are so funny! That is pretty much how my brain works with most things I read on the internet too.

I don't know, I think we're getting a bit overcome with this heavily contoured look. Like, we see it so much that we don't even notice it anymore. If you looked at ten pictures of normal faces and then this one, you would probably think she looked like she was wearing clown makeup.

None of the copies have ever done it this well though. I remember the photographer was interviewed and said he'd told the group no fake running or smiling, and I think they nailed it. Plus the brides hair looks spectacular.

This is the obvious course of action really.

Pacifisaur. That's not working. I need to workshop this a bit more.

What guidance do you get on what to write about Madeleine? Or do you find all of your own subjects? Is it like Sad Desk Salad??

Good GOD your comment is brilliant.

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Parent, grandparent, and GREAT grandparent adultery stories in my family. I'm determined to be different.